Another option

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Another option

"Yeah?" Theo said sucking on his lolly pop, "What's that skip?"

Miroe looked at the gang of people in front of him. They all looked scared and their bodies quivered from the fear they shared.

Miroe's mother voice shook as she pleaded with him," Miroe... What are you doing...? I don't understand?"

He saw the fear in them and he liked it. They were in his hands, and he could bend them anyway he wanted. I guess this was the mind of a sociopath. Miroe wasn't that though he was just trying to make the world a better place. The world was dirty and he wanted it clean. What's so wrong with that?

Miroe left the room briefly telling Theo to stay and watch them. He proceeded to the closet that was across from the hall leading to the wash room. He opened the closet and pushed passed the coats and jackets that hung within. Behind them lied a safe with a dial attached to it. Miroe placed the combo into the dial and listened for it to unlock.

The door pushed open and it's contents were revealed. A bag, as red as blood was on shelf one of the locker. The second had a set of white vials set up on a black layout, with two syringes and a case of needles. Miroe grabbed all of the safe's contents and headed back towards the hall through the foyer.

When he entered into the room he saw that Theo had tied up the rest of Miroes family and friends. They all were either screaming or crying and pleading to be set free.

"Theo, remove their cholth's down to their underware, please. I cannot touch them without gloves and I must prepare my supplies..." Miroe said in a hushed whisper. Those who were paralyzed were strapped to chairs by one band at the waist, and motionless. Miroe moved to those on the floor first, as theodore removed their garment's one by one.  

"Miroe why are you doing this...?? We l..ov.e yo.u" His mother's word's were muffled and soft. Miroes response was short and had no elaboration towards the question.  

"Sleep now mother. Shhh." He pressed a needle through the vien on her neck, black liquid flew through her system and swivered down her neck as she passed out.  

Miroe than began the same process with the others.Before long all the guest were out cold and the room was silent. 

"Alright, I will go prepare. Please lay them out on that mat over there side by side. Then enter the kitchen and boil to pot's of water. Use the big pots and these." Miroes said as he handed Theo a pair of gloves. "Scrub your'e hand's well before hand." 

"What do you plan on doing?" Theo said in response. Miroe smiled and said ever so quitley, "Just a Very hot, that will clean them right up. Then the fun begins."

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