Chapter One

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A/N: Heyyyy it's Satara and this is not my first fanfic actually. I've just deleted my others pretty much right after I publish them because they are trash.... Like me and my super trash friend Sydney I. I forget her wattpad user so fuck it. Anyways I hope you enjoy the first chapter. I've been meaning to put this up since the beginning of 9th grade and it's now been over a year.... Anyways you can probably tell how often I'm gonna update. Also I have a YouTube - Satarada Witt .... Just an FYI xP 

Seiren Komori looked out the glass of the semi-new, black taxi's window. When are we going to get there, she thought, watching as the dark clouds accumulated over the sun making the irritating glare on her smart phone fade away. Great it's going to rain.... Not that this day could get any worse.

Seiren glanced over at her twin sister, Yui Komori, who was texting someone on her phone. Seiren was often jealous of how Yui was so easily liked by everyone. Of course it probably helped that she was thoughtful, gentle, forgiving, and all that stuff. She also had her undying love for God that their father, Seiji Komori, loved.

She's the exact opposite of me, Seiren thought. I'm a bitch, I say what I want, when I want, to who I want, and I don't even give a damn about the consequences. Seiren didn't believe in holding back your angry and frustration. I get into enough fights to have to switch schools every 4-5 months. Damn, I'm way more aggressive than Yui that's for sure. Not that you can even use that word to describe her in any case. Yui wouldn't even be able to hurt a fly.

Seiren looked down at her died black hair. Yui's was still that natural blonde that they were born with. Though the twins were Japanese Yui still insisted on having her hair bleached blonde, against their father's wishes, but in his favor, kept it just below the shoulders. She recently had Seiren help her dye the tips of her hair a sherbet pink to match her eyes. Seiren had to give her credit for being somewhat rebellious when it came to her hair.

Yui looked up from her pink flip phone, noticing her sister looking at her.

"Are you okay Sei-chan? You look kind of down," Yui spoke, using the nickname she always called her sister by.

Seiren smiled and replied,"Yeah, I'm just fine Yui. I was just wondering what time it is." That was really lame. I could have easily looked at my phone if that was true. "My battery is dead," Seiren quickly said shoving her phone into her sweatshirt pocket.

"Oh, okay. It is-" the vehicle came to a sudden stop that jolted both of the pink eyed girls forward and slamming their backs against the seats.

"Sorry, red light!" Called back the driver looking at the twins through the rear view mirror. Seiren glared at him, flipping the bird.

"I'll be damned if all taxi's are driven by people this fucking stupid. Can't even ease into a damn red light without throwing the passengers out the fucking windshield!"

"Sei-chan, don't say stuff like that. I'm sure it was just an accident." Yui was such an angel child. She rarely called out someone for their own wrong doing, and if she did it was usually Seiren. Yui never even swore. Of course Seiren did enough for the both of them anyways.

Screech! Seiren was slammed into the door by Yui as the car swerved into the next lane. The twins heard the honking of various vehicles and could smell burnt rubber. Seiren  twitched in anger.

"You dumb motherfucker! What the hell is wrong with you, you stupid dick! How did you even manage to get your fucking license being the dumb ass you are?! You clearly can't drive worth a damn you stupid prick!" Seiren gave a look that could kill.

"I am so sorry, let me apo-" he started.

"Shut the hell up and don't even think about speaking until we get there!" Seiren yelled authoritively. Yui grabbed her sister's arm, looking her in the eyes as if saying, Please calm down you're getting out of control.

I sighed and asked," When are we going to be there?"

"So-soon, I just have to go down th-this next turn for a couple minutes. I am truly sorry p-please forgive me!" He replied actually quite terrified of the 17 year old girl.

He either knows our father has connections with Karlheinz or I am just that damn amazing, Seiren thought with a smirk. Karlheinz was part of the reason they were going to leave there home. The Komori girls' father was sent overseas for work by the man himself, and since the girls would have no place to stay, he offered them a place to stay, being his home in a more rural part of Japan.  He was an obvious aristocrat within society and a very competitive politician with plenty of cash to go around.

The cab driver pulled up to a tall, black metal gate,"We're here," he spoke hastily, getting out to open the trunk and take out the girls' bags. The twins stepped out and grabbed their luggage. As soon as they did they heard the start of the engine and turned to see the taxi speedily pulling away before the girls could even pay him. Yui waved, but to no one as he had quickly disappeared. What a jerk, thought Seiren.

"Well I guess this is the place," said Yui. The Komori's looked up at the gate that towered above them.

"Yeah. I guess so," her sister replied. Seiren reached out her arm and pulled the gate open, waiting for her blonde twin to enter first, then following her in, closing the gate.

The sisters looked with matching eyes at the elegant mansion with its wooden door ahead of them. In the center of what could be the driveway, was a beautiful stone fountain. Seiren and Yui walked past in awe, unaware of the droplets of water falling from above.

"Oh shit Yui, it's raining!" The girls sprinted for the door dragging their luggage behind them, arriving at the front door. Yui reached up her hand to knock as the rain steadily beat down on them.

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