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You sat on Ford's bed and stared around the room. Ford had just left you to think about what he had told you. You were having trouble getting your head around the fact that Ford had been in a separate dimension the entire time. 'At least it wasn't his fault,' you thought. You looked sadly around the room remembering the first time you and Ford had shared a bed. It was a happy thought. It was even the same bed you sat on now but at that time there had been an ugly old carpet that sat in the middle of the floor and you had to be careful not to drag your feet on it. There was also a sign on the door that Ford had just taken down that said 'break room.' Other than that the room was exactly how you left it with some cobwebs in the corners.

You stood up and walked over to the closet. All of your old things were there. You took out a small box. In it was an old picture of you and Ford. You smiled. He had been smiling when it was taken on the day you came back to Gravity Falls with him. It appeared he had forgotten how to smile over the 30 years he'd been gone. You sighed. You had always thought his face would forget how to mile if he didn't do it more often. Now it appeared it had. You set the photo back into the box. You finally decided it was time to stop hiding and go see Ford.

You left the room and ran into the little twin girl. 'Mable,' you remembered. "Excuse me, Mable?"

She looked up at you and gasped slightly. "Hi. Did you come out of the portal with Gruncle Ford?"

"Umm... no. I didn't. I've been somewhere else." You looked at the child and fiddled with your ring again. It had become a habit. "Where is Ford at right now?"

"He's in the basement. I don't know what he's doing but Grunkle Stan said it was too dangerous for us to help with."

"Your Grunkle Stan is right. It is too dangerous for you to be involved with." You patted the child's head. She was just like the little girl you had dreamed of having when you were younger but that dream had died about 8 years ago at the age of 60.

You walked off towards the entrance to the lab. You input the code and closed the door behind you as you walked down the stairs. "19-20-1-14-6-15-18-4? 1-18-5 25-15-21 4-15-23-14 8-5-18-5?"


You heard clanks and bangs and then he called, "[Y/N]? I'm down here."

You walked the rest of the way down and came to a watch room. It had been years since you'd been in here. You didn't leave the room. You just stood in the door way and watched as Ford threw a piece of metal far away from a machine. He looked at you and climbed down a latter. He walked over to you and hugged you.

"You're not going to bury yourself in work again are you?" You took half a step back and looked at his face without letting go of him. "You don't have that much time left with me."

"I know I don't." he looked into your eyes. "Will you help me take this thing apart? The sooner it no longer exists the better."

"Yes I'll help you. I'm still strong," you said, smiling. "Will you smile for me Ford? You look like you've forgotten how."

He attempted a smile but it just turned into a crooked frown. "I'm afraid I may have forgotten how." He kissed your forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." You laid your head against his chest. You stood there thinking about how he looked now. His chest was puffed out like a proud bird of prey's would be. His hair was graying and he had a silver stripe going from one side of his head to the other. His sweater was soft. You snuggled into his soft red sweater.

"You like my shirt huh." He put his arms around you, pinning you close to him.

You nodded into his shirt. "It's soft." You felt a tear roll down your cheek. You grabbed his hands. His sixth finger on both hands set outside your pinkies. You moved your hand so that he had two fingers between your pinkies and third fingers. His hands had become hard and calloused but they were still his.

He chuckled lightly. "I remember the first time you did that." He closed his eyes and set his forehead against yours.

You closed your eyes as well. You began to sway side to side slightly.

He put his lips to yours and kissed you passionately. "I've missed you so, so much."

You opened your eyes and smiled as you looked into his, still swaying. "You have no clue." You stopped swaying. "I suppose you're probably a bit behind on technology... let's get started." You let go of his hands and stepped back.

"You're changing the subject." He sighed but went with it. He handed you a crowbar. "Don't worry too much about the thing starting up. It's out of fuel."

You looked at the crowbar in your hands. "Then let's set to work destroying this thing."


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