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You sat on you hospital bad and looked at the pictures in your book again. You'd already been there two days but you were going to be stuck there until the 12th. You sighed as you traced Fords face in the picture you'd taken with your finger.

"Hello, [Y/N]. How are you doing today?" the nurse, who you remembered was Kate, walked in with a young man behind her. "This is Johnny a nursing student. He'll be helping me for a bit of time."

"That's nice. Hello Johnny." You looked at the clock on the far wall. "Today is Wednesday right?"

"Yes, Mrs. Pines." Johnny picked up the clip board from the end of your bed.

"Thanks, Johnny... And no. I don't have memory loss. I'm waiting on someone." You sat back on the bed and smiled as you stared at the picture of Ford in your lap. "He's finally going to come visit me again." You looked around the room. Kate was smiling and Johnny was checking your blood work. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Kate quickly opened the door.

It was Ford. He walked up to your bed side. "I said I'd come see you." He bent over and gave you a kiss. "Did you miss me?"

"Not as much as I used to." You smiled and grabbed his hand. "So what's been going on while I've been gone?"

He sat in the chair beside you. "Well Mable met a unicorn." He looked almost worried when he said that.

"And how did that go?" you asked with a small giggle.

"Well she and her friends came back covered in unicorn blood and stuff but they got the hair we used to keep the shack safe." He reached for something in his back pocket.

"Safe from what?" You were worried. You had every right to be.

Ford looked at the nurse and her assistant over by the monitor on the opposite side of you. They weren't paying him much attention and probably thought he was just a crazy old man. Ford shook his head then formed a triangle with his hands and put it in front of his eye.

You gasped slightly. "14-15-20 8-9-13 1-7-1-9-14!"


Ford nodded and picked up a shiny rainbow braid from on his knee. "Here." He tied it around your wrist.

"But Ford, what about you?" you asked. Bill could still invade his mind with ease having made a deal with him so long ago.

Ford smiled. "He can't get in. There's a metal plate in my head." He knocked on the back of his head and it sounded like he was knocking on a steel door.

You smiled. "That's so something you would do. That was a risky move though wasn't it?"

"Yeah but now he can only get to me in my nightmares." He looked at the book on your lap. "Is that the one Dipper and Mable gave you?"

"Yes it is. I've looked at all the pictures closely and look at this..." You pointed to a picture of them and Wendy in the gift shop. There was a gnome in the window. Then you pointed to one where they were at a party. Dipper and Wendy were sitting at a ticket table but there was a second Dipper with a two on his hat in the background. Then there was a minitor in the background of a picture of Dipper. "The weirdness seems to follow them around."

"Interesting." He set his hand on his chin as he stared at the pictures. He jumped when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Kate answered. "Yes this is her room... yes one second." She offered you the phone. "It's for you."

You took the phone. "Hello?"

The voice was a little static-y. "Hey, it's Stan. Is Sixer there? We need him back here."

You sighed. "Yes. He is here but you can wait. I'm not going to get to see any of you again until I go home next week because of the treatment."

"I'm sorry if I upset you, [Y/N], but we need him back here ASAP." Stanley's voice was beginning to cut out again.

"Fine. I'll tell him but he doesn't have to leave for at least another hour."

"Thank you, [Y/N]."

"Good bye, Stanley." You handed the phone off to Johnny. "You're wanted at home, 'Sixer.' That's what he called you, anyways. When did that start?"

"First grade. Poindexter stated in fifth when I was reading at the ninth grade level." He sighed. "I suppose I should go see if he's alright. I mean I trust Dipper, but not as much as I distrust Stanley."

"Alright, then." You picked up his hand in yours. You moved his fingers so that they sat in your hands like they were the same size. "I love you, Stanford."

"I love you too, [Y/N]." He kissed you. You let go of his hand and watched as he stood up and left.

Once he was gone, Johnny decided to say something. "So, he's the one you were waiting for then?"

"Yes. That's my husband of about three days now." You smiled. Your hand was still warm from holding his. "He doesn't think I noticed but he even wore his small ray gun to our wedding."

Johnny's breath caught. "Ray gun. What does he do for work?"

"He and I are both paranormal investigators. He specializes in creatures and I mostly work with cryptograms." Your smile faded slightly as the warmth in your hand from his faded away. "We've worked together a total of about 2 years. Between those bits of time we worked together I was stuck here about 3 doors down, and he was traveling through other dimensions." Johnny looked away, obviously thinking you were crazy. You knew he would. Unlike Kate who believed most of what you said, the boy might be harder to convince. "I'm not joking, Johnny." You opened your book to a random page. "These things exist. Just look here. This is my niece on her first date. The boy turned out to be five gnomes staked on top of each other." You turned the page. Your eye caught a little bit for something round and blue. You looked closer. It was a tiny man in clogs with a golf ball for a head. "Okay, even I don't know what that thing is... Dipper might just be better at this than I thought."

Kate left the room to tend to the person in the next room over. Johnny finished as quickly as he could and left without looking at you. You giggled as he walked out of the room, clearly he hadn't been able to understand a word of what you said and thought you were crazy.

 You giggled as he walked out  of the room, clearly he hadn't been able to understand a word of what  you said and thought you were crazy

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Can you just imagine what Johnny must of thought of you and Ford. I mean be all like 'Oh yeah. she seems like a nice woman.' then Ford shows up and he must be thinking 'My god, this woman and her husband are both crazy!'

the pic is made from a base i found online. don't know who's it is.

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