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You sat on up on the bed. Ford was gone but the bed was still warm. Light filtered in through the small window. You stood up slowly and stretched. You walked over to the window and looked out. There was a few people rushing around but it was hard to tell what was happening through the green stained glass.

You pulled your robe tight around you as you walked out of the room to use the bathroom. As you came back out of the bathroom you nearly ran into Wendy. "You're here rather early, Wendy."

She yawned. "I was sent to help you with something in your room." She grabbed your hand and led the way.

When you walked into the bedroom again there was something large and white sitting on your bed. You walked up to it and picked it up. You gasped. It was a wedding dress. It was white with gold accents. "Did you...?"

"Sorta." She rubbed the back of her head. "I may have lied to you about 4H. It was my mom's. I spent all of last night resizing it. I know it doesn't match your sketch but-"

You interrupted her by hugging her. "Thank you, Wendy."

"It was nothing, really." Wendy shrugged. "Ford asked me to do it."

"20-8-1-20 23-1-19 8-9-13!" You smiled widely. "Wendy would you be the maid of honor?"




"Then let's get this dress on you." Wendy picked up the dress.

"Wait. What? Right now?" Although you had known they were planning something you hadn't been sure what it was. "We're having the wedding today?"

"Yes." Wendy smiled.

There was a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" it was Ford. The door began to open.

You threw yourself against the door, forcing it closed. "Stanford, no! You can't see me before the wedding! It's bad luck!"

"You don't really believe all that do you?" Ford asked. It sounded like he had his head against the door.

"Like hell I don't!" You yelled through the door. "We're paranormal investigators and you're going to try saying you don't believe in superstitions! Of all the ones in this world I believe in this one... plus it's a social educate thing done by every bride ever."

"I just came to tell you breakfast was ready. You might want to hurry in you don't want yours given to Waddles. I'll be down in the basement with Stanley for a while."

"Okay! Thank you!" you yelled. You listened as he walked away. You sighed. "That was close."

"Let's go get some food then we'll go over to my house. Dipper and Mable are going to meet us there." Wendy adjusted the dress on her arm.

You and she went to the kitchen and quickly ate some food. Then before you could change out of your fuzzy pajamas Wendy ushered you out the door and led the way to her house.

At Wendy's house you sat down on the couch as a stream of boys and one fully grown man came in. you recognized the man. He hadn't really changed all that much. Dan had been 18 the last time you'd seen him. Behind them was Mable and Dipper.

Mable was wearing a frilly pink dress with a matching basket in her hand. "Look, Grauntie [Y/N]! I'm the flower girl!"

"That's wonderful, Mable." You looked at Dipper. He looked handsome and mature in his suit but you could sense the awkwardness rolling off him. "And that must make Dipper the ring bearer."

He nodded.

Wendy ushered you into her room. She quickly helped you change into the dress. Wendy had done a great job fixing up the dress. It fit perfectly. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked beautiful. Wendy set the long veil over your wig, almost knocking it off. You straitened the wig and veil. You smiled widely thinking about how as of today you would no longer be [Y/N] [YL/N].

"Last minute things you might want to know." Wendy held up a notebook. "They're not important but still. My dad, Manly Dan, will stand in for your dad. Mr. Pines is the best man for Ford. And-"

"Really?" you interrupted. "Are they getting along better now?"

"No, not really... but since it is his brother, and he doesn't know anyone else, he asked him."

You smiled a bit. "It's a start." Then you remembered that you had left your camera at home. "Wendy? Would you run back to the shack for me? In my room on my dresser there is an old camera. Could you bring it over here for me so I can take a picture of Mable and Dipper before something happens to their clothes?"

"Sure. I'll be back soon. Just wait here." She left the room as Mable and Dipper came into the room.

"Hey Grauntie, what do you think of my dress now?" Mable pulled on her dress a little and sparkles fell to the floor.

Your jaw dropped slightly. You stayed calm. "Mable, honey, what did you do to your dress?"

"Isn't it great? I added sparkles!" she started to walk closer to you, leaving a train of pink glitter.

"Yes sweetie it's very nice but please be careful of my dress. I don't think pink sparkles goes well with this." You took a step back.

Mable stopped. "Your right. Pink glitter wouldn't look good with that shiny gold."

"That's right." You smiled at her.

It wasn't long before Wendy came back with your camera and a smile. She quickly changed into her dress in the bathroom and then you all went into the hallway. You happily took pictures of them and they took some of you. Eventually, Wendy was smiling so wide that she looked like she was about to burst.

"Alright, Wendy, spill it." You looked her straight in the eye.

"While I was at the Mystery Shack I answered the phone. It had been ringing non-stop for about half an hour but with Mr. Pines' in the basement they couldn't hear it. It was a doctor named Dr. Chance. He said he had good news and that you should call him back as soon as possible."

"That is great news, Wendy! I'll call him right after the wedding." You smiled looking at the photo you'd taken of Mable trying to steal Dipper's hat off his head. 'I could have a chance at more time with them.' You thought happily.

' You thought happily

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