Love is a big word (Keaton Stromberg and Drew Chadwick)

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  • Dedicated to Jesily G. Bartholomew

Hello my name is Jessie and this story is about me and my best friend Emily and how we met Emblem3. so I guess that I could tell you alittle bit about me and Emily. Emily and I have been friends since 6th grade, Emily went with me to x-factor in 8th grade and I got to the 2nd to last in the competition, then I got voted off. But then I got signed to Simon Cowell record label, I am a brunette and Emily is also a brunette, I have Blue eyes and Emily has Greenish brown eyes, I think I should start from the top of the story.

 Well it was Feb 10 me and Emily had just landed in L.A, for my audition and when we got out of the airport I saw a guy that looked like one of the guys I have liked for a while I started to freak out and I shook Emily and she turned around she smiled then started to walk up to them I grabed her and said

*jessie- 'what are you doing are you crazy they'll call security on us and we don't need that aspecually if im going to be on x-factor I don't want to be that girl that they go oh your that one girl that we called security on, please don't go!'

*Emily- Jess calm down they wont care this happens to them all the time and ive been talking to Keaton on snapchat remember, just stop freaking out it will be fine

So we ended up walking up to them and Keaton hugged Emily and I stood there awkwardly then drew walked up to me and said.

*drew- So what are you doing here, have any plans for L.A

*Jessie- I'm here to audition for x-factor, and I am going to have fun while im off of school for a few weeks

*Drew- oh cool you should come over and hang with me and the boys, do you guys have anything to do today

*Jessie- well me and Emily would like to get settled but you could come and then we can go do something after if that's cool with you

*Emily's P.O.V*

Me and Keaton were having a conversation and then Keaton kept looking over at Jess or Drew I have no idea who he was looking out. But then I looked behind me and saw drew looking at me and he winked at me, I then got butterflies in my stomach. why did I get butterflies oh my god he winked at me...

*Keaton- Emily are you ok

*Emily- haha yeah im ok I just was in my own mind for a sec, what were you saying again

*Keaon- I was asking if that over there is jessie, like you've told me about?

*Emily- yes Keaton that's jess, wanna go talk to her?

*Keaton's thoughts

Should I go talk to her what if she doesn't like me, when I look at her I get butterflies god I wonder if Emily can tell that I like her. I feel bad because I try to keep the conversation going but I cant help but look up at her. I guess she's much prettier in person then those pics Emily has always sent me. Come on Keaton get yourself together.... Wait is Jessie coming over here........ OH MY GOD WHAT DO I DO.

*Back to Emily's P.O.V*

Keaton is just starting to catch onto the conversation. But Drew and Jess is coming over and I could see the look on Keaton's face that was just priceless I couldn't help but laugh , then Keaton looked at me like I was crazy, which made me laugh more. Jess finally got over to us and she was looking nervous but I probably looked the same as she did right now.

*Jessie- Hey guys ummm we are going to come hang out with you guys, alright? Oh Emily, drew and Keaton and Wes are going to go with us back to the hotel to settle and then we are going to hang with the boys for the day is that ok with you?

Just then I looked at Keaton and he was looking everywhere like he was nervous ive never seen him like that but oh well. all I could think of is why drew was staring at me this whole time

Love is a big word (Keaton Stromberg and Drew Chadwick)Where stories live. Discover now