Reuited [Laruens x Alexander Lams]

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Before the story begins please press play to the video above. It's what helped give me inspiration to the story and I think will fit pretty well! Anyone on to the story!

"Alexander there's a letter for you from South Carolina." Eliza spoke as she walked into Hamilton's office a frown present on her face. "It's from John Laruens I'll read it later!" Hamilton spoke with a soft smile as his quell waved in the air as he wrote. 

"No it's not." Those words made his smile falter as he looks over at his beloved wife. "Will you read it?" He asked as she nodded. "One Tuesday the twentieth seventh, Lieutenant John Laruens was killed in a gun fight against British troops in South Carolina. Theses troops did not yet receive word from Yorktown that the war was over. His body was never found. As you may know, Lieutenant Corneal Laurens was engaged in recruiting three thousand men for the first all black military regiment. The surviving men of this regiment have been returned to their masters." Eliza then stoped reading as she looked up seeing Hamilton silently crying. "Alexander are you alright?" She asked with concern.

A long pause followed before Hamilton spoke. "I have so much work to do." He said trying so hard to make sure his voice didn't crack. Eliza frown widens as she makes her way over and hugs her husband tightly as tears finally fall from her own eyes.

Months past and during that time Hamilton would secretly hope to get a letter from Laurens. Hoping and praying that he was alive, but the letters never came. Soon Hamilton was back to his work writing and caring for his new son Philip Hamilton. Things seem to be getting back to normal!

That's when Hamilton was awoken from his slumber in the middle of the night by the sound of knocking on the front door. Lighting a small candle the short man made his way down the hallway and to the door.

He yawned softly as he opened the door as he mumbles a tired "Hello?"

"Hey tomcat!"

Hamilton jolted as he looked at the figure standing in front of him. His eyes widened in shock as he saw John Laurens. The man though to be dead and gone forever! Tears of joy formed in Ham's eyes as he tackled Laurens into a hug which he gladly returned. "Don't ever do that again!" He yelled through his hiccups. "Sorry! But it's kinda hard to write a letter when your suppose to be dead!" Chuckled Laurens as tears formed in his own eyes.

After that night Hamilton was happier then ever along with Eliza. Laurens would help babysit Philip when the couple needed a brake, which happened a lot and helped Eliza keep Hamilton from starving to death thanks to his tendency to 'Eat less, Work more'.

Finally reunited Laurens was welcomed into the Hamilton household and things couldn't be ever better. Those months where so worth the wait.

Wow I love this ship! I wanted to write this story first because I though 'hey what if Laurens didn't die in the battle and just faked it!' And a friend helped form this idea! Foxy_the_captain helped make this heartwarming story with our chats seeing what will happen in a Rp we're doing! Well anyway till you read again! Bye bye!

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