A Little Revenge [Alexander x Thomas Jamilton]

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Hamilton groaned as he rolled onto his side facing his alarm clock. The device flashed a red 3:37 AM making Hamilton's blood boil slightly. Why did Jefferson have to start snoring? Why out of all night, why the one where Hamilton didn't have any work due or work at all the next morning?

Jefferson's snoring filled the room as Hamilton sat up in the bed the two shared. Hamilton then got an idea and snuck out of bed only to return with a blow horn. Once next to Jefferson he contained his laughter before blowing the horn.

Jefferson woke instantly with a scream and fell out of bed as Hamilton burst into laughter. "Why you little!" Jefferson growled as Hamilton fell to the floor in his laughter. Jefferson then threw his blanket onto Hamilton and instantly caught him in a blanket burrito.

Hamilton just smiled innocently as he spoke "You wouldn't stop snoring." The vary unamused Jefferson then left Hamilton trapped in the blanket burrito on the floor as he returns to bed. Jefferson watched in amusement as Hamilton tried wriggling free from his fluffy prison and couldn't help but snicker.

After about a half a hour Hamilton was still stuck and had started whining. "Thomas! I can't get out!" Jefferson just laughed as Hamilton pulled the puppy dog eyes on him. "Ok ok." Jefferson snickered before pulling Hamilton up on the bed much to his delight. Hamilton then noticed Jefferson was slipping from consciousness and in his half asleep half awake state had started cuddling Hamilton.

This time Hamilton couldn't escape as Jefferson fell asleep still keeping a hold on him. Soon sleep over powered Hamilton and couldn't help but cuddle up to Jefferson the best he could before he slipped from consciousness as well.

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