Cold Outside [Alexander x Thomas Jamilton]

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MORE FLUFF FOR EVERYONE! And more modern AU. I love this AU.

It was winter once again in the city and Hamilton walked side by side with his overly tall 'friend' Jefferson. They two where walking to a near by Cafe called Carpenter'a Coffeehouse where Lafayette, Laurens, Hercules, and Burr could be found during this time of day.

While the two walked a cold breeze blew by making a Hamilton dressed for warm weather freeze. Stupid weather channel and their incorrect predictions.

Jefferson on the other was dressed for the weather.
He wore his favorite somehow oversized sweater and a coat over that along with a pretty fabulous scarf. Long story short, he's prepared.

Hamilton continued to shiver as he spoke "S-S-Stupid weath-ther channel!" That make Jefferson laugh "Well I would give you my sweater but I have a tank top under it." Jefferson snickered as he walks. Hamilton then stoped as he glares coldly at Jefferson. That's when he got a idea.

Hamilton then rushed to catch up with Jefferson as he smiles brightly. In a swift motion he wormed his way up Jefferson's sweater making him scream in surprise. Hamilton laughed triumphantly as he stands behind Jefferson still in his fluffy sweater.

Jefferson was redder then a rose as he glances at Hamilton who was now smiling contently. Huffing he shifted to turn around and fully picks up the much smaller male.

Jefferson the walked back down the street carrying Hamilton like he was nothing. When they arrived at the Coffeehouse Jefferson still didn't put Hamilton down who was down wriggling trying to escape. "Thomas don't you dare carry me inside!" He squeaked as he kicks his legs making Jefferson laugh.

That's when he walked inside to be met by the hamilsquad spotting the two and proceeded to awe and take some pictures. "No. No! No pictures! Come on guys!" Hamilton begged as his wriggles in Jeffersons grasp.

The boys laughed as they stoped taking pictures and Jefferson finally puts Hamilton down.

Who then proceeded to punch Jefferson in the gut.

It was so worth it though. Thomas couldn't wait for it to be cold outside again.

Why do I write like am running out of time?

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