Chapter 4: The Enemy

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I desided to take a walk. I wached as the sun set, tucking itself behind the trees for the night. Peace. I was clam, everything was perfect.

All the air left my body as I was shoved aside. As soon as I stopped my head from spinning, I leaped onto my attacker. It was a younge male about my age, thier was fire in his eyes.

"Kali" He growled.

Then I remembered. Years ago, my father and I, were out practicing our hunting, all of a sudden a large group of lions appeared. My father knew who they were, they were the wind pride. We are the rock pride. Our prides have been at war for centurys.

The leader of the wind pride demanded that he take control of our pride. And then he lunged at my father. They rolled on the ground in a pile of fur, biting and clawing at eachother. They toppled over a small ledge and my father landed on top of the wind pride leader winding him and temporarily knocked him unconsious. At that moment  I came to the realization that if I pushed the boulder beside me, it would fall off the ledge and crush the wind pride leader and most likely kill him. Well it was worth a try. So I shoved the boulder hard, it rolled, getting faster as it went. I could hear his bones cracking as the boulder compressed his body. Out of the crowd burst a small male lion about my age he ran over to the body screaming "father". Instantly I felt a pang of guilt. He glared right at me and said.

"I am Koni and I will kill you" he had said with the same fire in his eyes as he has now.

And now he's back, back to kill me.

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