Chapter 5: The Battle

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"Remember me" Koni said in a horse voice.

"How, how did you find me?."

"Easy, I have a nose you know"

"But, listen I'm really sorry, about your father I mean but....."

"How dare you even think about apoligizing to me" Koni growled, he was infuriated " I will never forgive you for what you did, I will bring my father to justice and bring you to mercy, now, prepare to fight"! He roared, then lunged at me.

I sidestepped, Koni just missed me. I roared, holding my ground, trying to size him up. Koni recovered, he sized me up, snapping his jaws to atempt to intimidate me, it didn't work. I stayed like a statue, growling. I lashed out, Koni toppled over with me. I snapped at him, he clawed at me. The females were fighting, some of the ones in my pride were trying to tare Koni off me, but he would not stop. We were finaly seperated, I blinked blood from my eyes, my whole body was stained red, a large gash covered most of my left sholder. I had torn off a good chunck of Koni's flesh, it was just hanging off his body then it fell to the ground, reveling a pearly white bone. I had shreded up his ear pretty bad. I looked at the ground, I couldn't tell if the blood and fur was mine or his, or maybe it was a bit of both. I looked around, it was a bloodbath, dead bodies littered the battlefield that i called my home.

"Koni this has gone to far, you've killed so many of my family, but this needs to stop before more lives are lost" I said trying to cach my breath.


"Stop, stop it now Koni, you can't win this one, will you just give up already its pointless, what are you t rying to acomplish with this" I asked and found myself yelling.

"I won't stop, I will avenge my father"

"And how are you planning to do that"

"By killing you" Koni said grinning.

"Your crazy, killing me won't solve anything, are you willing to risk the lives of your friends and family    just to kill me?"


"And what exactly are you trying to prove with this?"

"That I am stronger than you, enough talk, lets fight"


"What, why?"

"I won't let you hurt these innocent lions just for your sake anymore"

"You can't tell me how to run my pride" Koni protesed. "Don't be a coward and fight me" Koni yelled as I turned to go.

"I'm no coward, your the coward you are to afraid of what other lions will think of you to accept the fact that I defeted you and your father, your dad is dead and there is no bringing him back, so stop this madness and let your father finaly rest in peace".

Koni stopped considering this, then laughed.

"You think that I would ever listen to what you say? Well I can see that my pride is very injured, so for the sake of my family and friends..."

A lioness from my own pride came up and said "Oh just leave already you cowards" then everyone else in the rock pride followed and started spitting insults chasing the wind pride off our territory.

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