Chapter Three

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For Andy, it was always a delight to see Sehun's face so early in the morning.

Just like today.

He was her daily vitamins, her wake up call, her morning coffee that awakens her system from a sleepy state.

She was like Sleeping Beauty and Sehun was like the prince that awakens her with a kiss, the only difference was Sehun hasn't kissed her yet, but her hormones are already raging wide awake.

Kelly snapped her fingers in front of Andy's tranced face. She blinked a few times, averting her eyes from her beautiful prince to her best friend.

"Keep staring and you'll creep the sht out of him" Kelly laughed at her.

Andy only glared at her and got back to lining up water bottles on the table.

It was another busy day for everyone. The boys were taking turns for their make-up to be done, wardrobe stylists and make-up artists were running around the room, managers and show organizers were shouting out directions.

Andy orginally wanted to take a leave for the day, today was her birthday after all, but she decided it was a better birthday gift to see Sehun performing all sweaty and hot, than to spend a day shopping or going back to Namwon.

For her, just the mere sight of Sehun's tall perfect frame is more than enough to sweep her off her feet.

As the show started, Andy and Kelly rushed to the side of the stage to watch the boys. It was quite a big performance for them, they'd be performing several more songs in a bigger stadium with a much bigger crowd.

I wonder if Sehun feels a little more nervous than usual with these kind of crowd..

She remembered their small talks about two weeks ago. Sehun didn't even think twice in opening up to her. She found it adorable that this sexy-ass god still feels nervous and gets goosebumps every time he goes on stage. But she's sure it's nothing compared to how nervous and weak she feels whenever in contact with him. She was sure her goosebumps were a lot worse than his, her heartbeat a lot faster, her knees a lot weaker, and her body.. Well, a lot wetter— and it's not just sweat she's talking about.

Andy, like always, watched silently. The crowd was defening, but she was so focused on Sehun that she barely heard their screams.

Oh, God. There he goes again.. His freakin' body rolls and jaw-dropping hip thrusts.

She felt her body shiver. How she wish he'd do those sinful things to her. Sweat started to flow from her forehead down to her jawline, her mouth slowly gaping. Whatever Sehun was doing to her, it was slowly killing her. Only one idea popped in her mind to stop her unhealthy craving—NEW JOB. ASAP.

After a couple of songs, the boys exited the stage. Andy immediately handed out the water bottles she lined up earlier.

She tried to brush off the thoughts that clouded her mind, but how could she when the guy she was just lusting over was now in front of her, pouring cold water down his face.

It was such a beautiful sight. He was so perfect with his sharp jawline, knitted eyebrows, brushed up dripping wet hair and mouth slightly agape.

Sehun's now soaked shirt only fuelled the fire in her. She was not just turned on.. She was burning.

Sehun's gaze landed on her causing her to quickly peel her eyes off him. He stalked towards her, a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Nami.. Was there a problem?" He whispered teasingly.

Andy's face flushed even more and she tried hard to act naturally even though her heart was leaping off her chest.

"I-I think y-you're going to need another bottle, oppa.." she stuttered handing him another bottle of cold water.

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