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The woods were cold at night, sometimes you were lucky to feel a light and slightly humid breeze to keep you warm. The days were long and sunny, it felt so refreshing when the sun kissed your skin through the leaves of the trees surrounding you.

Everyday was almost like a repetition of the last but what else could you do. Your long and ruffled hair cascaded down your shoulders to your waist in a messy fashion. You'd only be able to tie it up with a piece of string found on the floor. Or sometimes you could dunk your head in a lake to slick back your tresses. Your scarred back was covered in dirty clothes used to conceal your presence as much as possible, along with the hood over your head.

Waking up in the branches of the trees had caused you to grow much more alert to your surroundings and the sounds that passed your ears. You'd love to sit there and watch the animals and plants grow and live but your growling stomach was ordering you to complete another task.

The city of Tanbarun was about a couple hundred metres away by foot so you opt to run and parkour through the branches, loving the feeling of the wind dashing through your hair as your feet moved on their own, hopping and galloping from branch to branch to finally watch the grass turn to stone below you.

Placing two feet on the ground, you adjusted the handmade eye patch on your right eye as your cautious nature grew tenfold while in a place with so many people. Even though the sun had risen a few hours ago, the city was still full of commoners on the streets in their stalls to make some money to provide for their families.

The people moved in a bustling manner with no regards for others and you always liked to use that to your advantage, casually swiping your hands into their pockets to grab whatever you could within those milliseconds before you disappeared. Your hand was chilled, then warm as it dug into the rough cotton pockets of people who looked as if they could provide for you.

The growling in your stomach yelled for attention and the bakery was delivering a scent that practically yelled out to you. Speeding towards the bakery you watched as the lady behind the counter watched the streets with a slight smile as the day was bright and pretty, if you must say so yourself. You waited as a customer came by, you stood beside the stand; attempting to be as nonchalant and unknown as you could as the lady wrapped some freshly baked bread.

Within a second where her eyes were elsewhere, your hand had reached out to grab some bread, one for your pocket as the other was already half way in your mouth. Speed-walking away, you smiled in accomplishment.

Yells and groans were heard from the middle of the street, people were seen feeling their pockets for money or valuables though their hands came out empty. Without a second glance you were already increasing the distance between the rowdy crowd and yourself. Feeling luck with yourself when you had placed your hand in another pocket, remaining composed to grab a handful of coins. Your hand had automatically clenched around the money to refrain the coins from causing any noise before an arm had gripped your own.

With a gasp you turned to your right, looking up at a man with a nasty glare directed down at you. You knew you had always been at a disadvantage on your right side because of the eyepatch but you were always cautious about your surroundings and prying eyes.

That had to mean that this man was watching you for a while. Eyes widening when you thought,  perhaps even the whole time, gasping again, you felt your heart beating loudly when the victim of your current steal had backed away in anger and disbelief. You guessed that most people wouldn't believe a petite and cute girl like you would be doing this; though your attire suggested a different idea.

Without another thought you had begun thrashing in the other mans tight grip, he was holding on so tight that it hurt, it would surely bruise but he seemed to enjoy this.

"That's my money!" The victim had yelled in anger, he was fairly overweight so it was no wonder he had heaps of money jiggling in his pocket without being cautious, you remained silent though your breathing had turned into puffs as fear flooded your veins, all money and bread was forgotten when you got a good look at the crest on his chest.

A Tanbarun royal guard.

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