| thirteen |

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Zen, Mitsuhide and Kiki looked at Obi when he spoke softly. He knew you were awake by the way your face twisted after listening to Kiki and Zen quarrel but you had flinched as you knew someone was close to you, Your eyes were kept closed just as your trembling arm lifted to rest over your face.

A whisper left your mouth, your throat was dry and it came out scratchy. It hurt but you repeated yourself making the four people in the room surprised to say the least, "Eye.. pa-.. patch."

They were quiet and confused, Obi only suddenly remembered after realising that you weren't wearing your signature eye patch that he didn't really want you to put back on. He stood to put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a patch that was attached to string. It was placed in the opened hand that you covered her face with when your arm had been resting over your face. Zen watched with curiosity as you sat up, breathing in slowly to relax your nerves and move your hair to rest down your back and Obi watched the way your slender arms tied the patch to cover your eye. He wasn't aware of why as both of your eyes appeared fine but he didn't say anything.

"State your name."

Kiki spoke rather harshly, catching sight of your dark brown eye that rested on her in disinterest. Mitsuhide flinched at her voice and Zen stood still, as did Obi, "I'd rather not." The blanket was lifted away from your body and you almost stopped when the sight of bandages caught your eye, seeing the skin that wasn't red or dirtied that was now your usual skin colour, clear and clean.

Her stoic expression didn't frighten you as it would've with the Prince and his aide with the turquoise hair. Your sight was still a bit fuzzy and you felt dizzy, the warmth that engulfed you under the sheets was amazingly comforting and the new smells made you frightful because of how different they were. You smelled the air and it seemed so fresh, laced with all kinds of herbs and plants and that was just in this room. You would've stepped out of the bed if it wasn't for the sudden chill that nipped your skin, "Where are my clothes?"

Zen closed his mouth and looked towards Shirayuki's desk where Ryuu would also sit at, the clothes were there though they were still ripped and tattered but at least they were clean now. He grabbed them and felt odd as he was the person on the receiving end of your stare. Despite having just woken up with a disoriented look, you still made him nervous when you hadn't even blinked. He put the clothes down and then watched as you stood, eyes widening at how tiny you stood compared to his height and to Obi's when he stood at 5'10" while you only just reached his upper chest.

You grabbed the poncho-type robes and pulled them onto your thin body, ignoring the stares you received and how they were mostly directed to your frail-looking body that appeared undernourished, "What happened to you?"

Obi spoke this time, his voice was soft but there was something else there like he was not begging but it was something along those lines. It made you stop after placing the sandals on your feet and you looked at him, watching his golden eyes and his distressed face. You didn't know what to say though, you didn't really like people so you preferred as little conversation as you could get. You opt to ignore him and only bowed, very quickly and shortly when he looked at you when realising that you were prepared to leave.

"Thank you for saving me. I'm sorry I've been a burden to you-"

"Obi, have you seen Ze - oh.. Hello." It was her again. The woman with the red hair and she spoke so cheerfully, out loud without a care but when she met your eye, your deep brown eye that was now open and moving, she stopped momentarily to rethink her thoughts and greet you properly. But, at the sight of her, you also focused on the two people that stood in front of her and it made your nerves spike. They were guards with swords at their waists and their faces were completely neutral, serious and intimidating.

It was the woman who spoke before, she was asking for your name and the other male, with the turquoise hair, it was safe to say he scared you the most. He was a reminder of the guards in Tanbarun. He was about as tall as most of them, if not taller, you were on your guard now - wanting to leave effective immediately.

"Thank you for helping me Shirayuki. I'm sorry I've been a burden to yo-"

"You weren't a burden! At all!" Her eyebrows creased together making you take a hesitant step back, she only saw you nod and open your mouth again, "I'll be leaving then."

"You don't have to be so quick to leave."

Too many people. There were too many - beside you and in front of you, they spoke over each other and spoke so carelessly with each other and it was completely foreign to you, Zen's; the Princes' voice, was soft and he smiled as well, it was a soft smile that made him appear so kind and gentle but you had remembered when he swung his sword at you with such resolve to protect the other girl who helped you. If that was even protecting, how could you know if he was keeping her here against her will just like the Prince of Tanbarun had hoped to do?

"I want to."

You were tempted to jump out of the window, even though the sun would be setting soon, it was still open, "Hey, come o-" As soon as the stronger-looking male took a step forward, you had already grabbed the knife from Obi's waistband. You already noticed it when he was grabbing the eye patch for you but he was shocked when he felt your hand just brushed past him, Kiki had her hand on her sword and Shirayuki almost dropped her jaw, when she was so tempted to get closer to try and soothe you. Mitsuhide had jumped and immediately became defensive when he sidestepped to Zen's side when he gasped inwardly.

"You don't have anything to worry about.." Obi's voice was surprisingly soft, he hadn't even lifted his arms in caution almost as if he was trusting a stranger not to hurt him, it was very weird.

"I don't like people. I want to leave. I don't like you." Your last short sentence was directed to Mitsuhide with the knife in your hold that was held directly to him. He had one hand on his sword and another lifted in front of him in defense. He didn't understand why, no one did, but they didn't comment on your dislike to Mitsuhide.

"Can I know your name?"

Again, you ignored Obi and moved sideways, moving behind Obi, Zen and Mitsuhide when they all turned to face you when you were nearing the window at the other end of the room, ignoring them when the open window was calling out to you, "You're that girl, right? The one from Tanbarun who was caught.. stealing. Did you escape from them? What can you tell me, please?"

"I'm sorry.. Shirayuki but I have nothing further to discuss."

Obi caught it, the way you glanced at him before taking your leave through the window and if you hadn't given him that soft and content look, he was sure he would've lost it.

I can't wait to finish this story honestly I'm pretty sure I'll end at ch25

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