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"Look at you! ..How old are you anyway?" The Prince asked sceptically. You rubbed your arm in embarrassment as you felt more humiliated than words could say, "Uh-.. Tw-twenty.."

"TWENTY?!" He screeched, you jumped at the sound and the way it echoed through the walls, "What is with your body then! And those gross scars! Why aren't you like..- feminine or whatever!" 

He was angry and really,  really spoiled- that much you could tell; there were also the rumours about him being a petty and selfish prince, and the nickname of 'Stupid Prince,' so it made sense.

But that didn't matter when you were close to being in your underwear because even though your breasts and backside weren't shown clearly, it didn't mean that you didn't have them. He was whining in his seat, throwing a minature tantrum as if you had just offended him- you probably did anyway.

"Ok-okay!" Your voice was surprising louder and more stronger than before, shushing the Prince as he squinted his eyes at you in disbelief that you had raised your voice to him like that. You expected a rant about deserving respect because he is the First Prince of Tanbarun afterall but you were glad he let you continue in curiosity, "Pl-.." That word felt vile, "Please, just ba-bare with me.." 

Taking a breath in and out slowly, you felt slightly pleased to see the Prince raise in his seat in interest when you lifted your hand towards you eyepatch. You heard the sound of metal clinking and figured Sakaki had his hand on his sword just for safety measures but he stopped completely when Prince Raji had gasped out loud.

The Prince didn't breath for a solid five seconds or more when your eye patch had been tightly clenched within your grip at your side now, eyes wide open for display. Sakaki was behind you, by your side so he could keep a good visual on both you and his Prince but he couldn't deny that he had been increasingly interested at the source of Raji's utter shock. 

"Why.. It's.." He turned pink in the face, getting darker as he found the right word, "Marvelous.."

You turned red at the unusual compliment which only made the brunette Prince blush even more, "He-hey! Stop blushing!" 

He had the audacity to yell that out when he was only mirroring you, covering your eye in a haste, you had scowled in reply and crossed your arms furiously as you couldn't trust yourself to say something that wouldn't embarrass you. Sakaki felt slightly slumped; only slightly- when you had retied the eyepatch back onto your smooth and sun-kissed face and instead aided in grabbing the clothes from the floor to place them around your shoulders softly as if not to startle you.

You accepted them gently and tied the large belt as your shirt had been tucked into it half- heartedly so your appearance was larger than your actual body. As you redressed, the Prince was silent, "Prince Raji?"

Sakaki opt to speak to dispel the silence when the young Prince's cheeks were finally not that embarrassing shade of pink, ".. Mhm, I supposed I'll be.. Generous and keep you," You had to hold in a scoff as he continued with a snap of his fingers, "You must be loyal to me and do as I say!"

He was an overgrown child with too much power.


You jumped in your spot, seated across from where the Prince had previously been sitting at the tea table when a guard had to speak to him, the guard wasn't fazed by his royal highness's behaviour and left, closing the door behind him so that Raji could stomp on his spot as he murmured incoherent words in the mix of a growl and a whine; it was Prince Raji in a nutshell.

"What's wrong Raji?"

Your improper speech distracted the male as he swiftly turned and glared at you, stomping over to his seat to continue glaring daggers only now at a closer distance, "Excuse me?!"

A sigh left your mouth, the rope burning into your wrist as Sakaki held the other end; since you had only just been accepted to stay in this castle, you weren't trusted that quickly. Sakaki seemed less than displeased with the arrangement but his Prince had acted as if he had discovered a jewel when speaking about the feature on your face so the aide couldn't object

"Prince Raji, your highness- what is it that displeases you so?" Your sarcastic attitude would surely earn you a ticket straight out the door or even the dungeon, you had to repeatedly bite your tongue to keep from saying such harsh things. And again the Prince was rather upset with your choice of words but gave up as he began speaking freely, "It seems the lady- Shirayuki has left the town." 

"I suppose she had a fair reason to."


Sakaki held no regard to the Prince when he answered but you were lost at the moment, "I'm sorry, Shirayuki?" You had questioned, Raji had turned red at his sudden mistake when he had remembered the deal he had proposed with you but before he could dodge the question with another to change the subject, Sakaki ruined it.

"Yes, the maiden with the red hair."

You were startled and silent, Raji was a little frightened before seeing that your eye had hardened, he squealed and dashed behind his chair even though you were still restrained, "Prince.." Your cold voice brought shivers down the Prince's back, "I thought I was her replacement- therefore you don't need to go after her now."

"I-.." He laughed awkwardly in nervous chuckle in an attempt to lighten the situation, his voice slightly muffled from behind the chair, "I know that.. (Y/N).. I ju-just wanted to gi-give her so-so-something.."

"Like what."

The sound of your voice could cut through the thickest of tension as it wafted through the room, even Sakaki was temporarily surprised, his hand resting on his sword again for precautions, "Just so-some delicious fruits! As an apology!"



Your questioning tone brought relief into the Prince as he slouched and sauntered around the chair to take a seat after he figured the situation had simmered down now, but he only came to that conclusion because of the way your face was held; no emotions but he didn't know that your mind was buzzing with possible answers to your many queries.

'Why was he so mad?'

'Why fruit?'

'Why was he so afraid?'


'Why is he so persistent?'


Your breath was stuck in your throat when you came to a fair conclusion, staring the Prince down as his eyes had widened almost as much- if not more, than yours. You had growled under your breath as an escape route had begun forming in your mind, "Doesn't that sound a lot like a fairy tale, Sire~?"

Your voice had become sharp almost like resembling some type of snake as deep regret, anger and frustration bubbled in the Prince as he bellowed out apology after apology as your eyes practically lit on fire, "Something like.. Snow white?!"


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