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Taking multiple stops in the forest for water and after finding some delicious looking berries, you let your horse; or rather your stolen horse, drink up and rest as you observed your surroundings. It was very quiet and the only sounds that were heard were the peaceful indication's of life of the fauna and flora living and thriving.

Chirping from the birds and the flapping of their wings, scurrying of squirrels and rabbits and other small herbivores. The oddly loud flow of water from the river compared to the silent atmosphere that ran through your escape. It was so serene. And comforting.

The horse neighed for attention and, removing your eye patch, you were a little more than genuinely shocked to find that the horse had been looking at you and not running away. It had calmed down now and you could finally admired it's dark brown coat. It was a deep and exquisitely shiny mahogany-type colour that reminded you of your hair. Only your hair was darker and a couple of shapes from being black.

The horse's mane was black, pitch black and knotted slightly. The long hair was ruffled and almost matted, slowly approaching the horse, it seemed to welcome your company by nuzzling it's nose softly into your hand that was raised as a sign to show you'd cause no harm. The horse was a lot taller than you, so that you could stand under it's neck when it stood tall and straight. The way the horse held itself was majestic, it was really a pretty sight. It's dark eyes stared into yours when your hand travelled from it's nose, up it's head to his ears and down his neck. 

The horse snorted and you stepped back with caution to make sure it wasn't angered. Perhaps the stallion needed a name, the horse was dark coloured, dark hair, mane and eyes. Dark- perhaps Kuro would do? Kuro sounded nice, it matched it's black and wild mane. And it's eyes that allowed you to see your reflection.

You walked backwards, away from the horse and deflated to see it stood still. You turned around stubbornly and disappointed it hadn't followed you only to feel a huff against the back of your head, chills erupted on your skin when you jumped and squealed to find Kuro right behind you as nonchalant as could be.

"Kuro.." You uttered the name for the first time and it gained the horses attention since that was the first time it had heard your voice. What gender was this horse. It irked you but you didn't want to look since that felt a little disturbing.

You huffed and walked to the water again, cupping your two hands together under the liquid when you crouched down and lifted the refreshment towards your mouth, drinking the cool water down your throat in relief. It felt nice, it was cold and smooth. 

Nonetheless, the sun would be descending in a long while but you had to keep moving, you didn't want to be unprepared for the night in a place that wasn't familiar to you. The stood back up with hard eyes and dried your chin with your sleeve that been stained with a little bit of blood, how annoying. Your wrist had stung when being in contact with the water and that was how you had been reminded of your wounds.

It felt nice to have the air hitting your face lightly when you didn't have a piece of cotton and string tied to your face, as long as you were alone it was okay. Kuro was an exception.

For now, you only opt to have your two wounds that wrapped around your wrists heal on there own with time. Having nothing on you but some clothes and a knife wasn't helpful but you were resourceful.

Without another word, you began walking again, this time without having to sit on Kuro's back because that hurt a little too much. Kuro followed, slowly, but it still made you glad- this horse was something like your first friend.
Following the sun as an unconscious act since you really had no idea where you were, you came across a large grey wall. It was tall with only one window at the top, it was really strange to find in the middle of nowhere but you climbed a tree after making sure Kuro wouldn't move to see through the window of the oddly placed building.

There you saw a girl with a hood, though her hair was covered you could still see a glimpse of her bangs, her red bangs. She was sitting on a chair looking down at some red apples as a man with white hair stood in front of her. Tying the eye patch back onto your face, it sat snugly over your eye and was shaped to sit there well. The outside of the building look a little old but the interior was much more better, it was clean and appeared expensive too.

Those apples were most likely the ones sent by Prince Raji so as long as they weren't eaten, then everything should be fine. You just had to find a way to take them without being noticed. The two people kept talking and it made you slightly upset to find that Shirayuki had cut her hair when removing her hood.

You were on your feet the moment an apple had been grabbed by the girl you watched. She began to rise the apple towards her mouth and you mumbled curses under your breath just as you kicked off of the tree branch to launch right into and through the glass window. Suddenly there were four people in the room, including Shirayuki and the white haired male with striking blue eyes.

Landing on the ground in a crouch, the hood was kept over your head so you weren't recognised and you noticed the male wearing blue clothing with golden chains and a crest with a sword on his waist. The two people had gasped and the male had automatically stood in front of Shirayuki protectively before you felt someone behind you. 

Jumping forward, you summer-salted under the males legs and he yelled in fright, the two people; one with dark turquoise hair and a really hard glare with a smaller woman with blonde hair, had their swords out pointed at you. 

"What do you think you're doing!" The large man spoke loudly. His voice was really stern and it reminded you of the guard back in Tanburan, you really didn't like it. The woman with short blonde hair was only glaring, her posture was strong and steady but you weren't concerned about that when you hastily grabbed the apple from a frightened Shirayuki and placed it into the basket of apples on the table quickly. 

"Prince Zen!"

A sword was swiped down, right in front of your face and it belonged to the white-haired male. His eyebrows were furrowed deeply, a menacing scowl on his face as if he was seconds away from ending your life. With your mouth shut, you kept the apples to your chest and bent backwards and under the sword, too fast for the man to react when he gasped and fell back in surprise.

Jumping out of the window with a salute as if to mock the four people as they fumed to themselves. 

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