2. "If you're reading this, I've died. Bummer."

51 5 2

"Oi! Watch the carpet!"

"Oh leave her alone Sirius. It's not like your carpet can get any worse." Tonks snapped. She sat down next to me and started to rub my back. I wiped my mouth and leaned back against the couch, squeezing my eyes closed. I tried to gather my thoughts. My head was pounding. Magic couldn't be real. This had to be some weird twisted dream. I must have hit my head hard when I fell. When I opened my eyes, I would be in my room. My mom would be there. None of this was real. I took a deep breath in and slowly opened one eye. Dumbledore sat across from me, watching me with a look of amusement. I sighed deeply.

"Please don't take this the wrong way sir, but I was really hoping not to see you there." Dumbledore chuckled lightly. The sound brought a small smile to my lips. I glanced around the gloomy room that we were in. It was dusty and dark. The wallpaper was coming off in spots and there were cobwebs hanging from the ceiling. The room itself was bare, besides for the couch that I was on and the chair that Dumbledore had conjured up. The only source of light came from the fireplace across from us. There was a musty smell that lingered in the air and my nose scrunched up. "So this is Grimmauld Place?"

"Ahh, I see you know about our headquarters then." Dumbledore stated, also looking around the room.

"Yeah. It really is quite depressing, isn't it?" I glanced over my shoulder at Sirius, "No offense."

Sirius laughed at my words, "None taken."

I smiled at him and then turned my attention back to Dumbledore. "Can you explain to me what's going on?"

Dumbledore smiled kindly at me. He leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands together.

"As I just stated, you were born in this universe. Your mother, Marlene McKinnon, used an ancient spell to send you to an alternative universe without magic in order to save your life. She could sense the Death Eaters closing in. Until recently, we all had assumed that you had perished with the rest of the McKinnon's."

I felt my eyes water at that. Although I didn't know them, the idea that my entire family was dead was a little overwhelming. I had always known that I was adopted. Whenever I had thought about my biological mother, I had always assumed that she was somewhere in the world, enjoying her life. I had never thought that she might be dead. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"H-how did you find out that I was alive?" I was surprised at how hoarse my voice sounded. I saw Tonks give me a look of pity out of the corner of my eye and I tried to ignore it.

"Your mother had written a letter to Sirius explaining it all. We would have known sooner but Sirius has been.... a little tied up until recently." I shook my head at this. Why would my mother write Sirius of all people? I supposed I didn't know much about Marlene McKinnon. Perhaps she was close to Sirius.

"What did the letter say?" I asked quietly, my curiosity getting the better of me. Sirius pulled a faded piece of parchment from his left breast pocket- close to his heart, I noticed- and handed it gingerly to me. I glanced around the room quickly before bringing my attention back to the letter. It looked like it had been folded and unfolded hundreds of times. The paper looked worn and fragile. I opened the letter carefully and took a deep breath, steadying myself to read the words that my dead mother had once penned.

My Dearest Sirius,

If you're reading this, that probably means that I've died. Bummer. I wish that I could have seen your face at least one last time. It really was a nice face... The reason for my letter, is that I have felt that the Death Eaters were getting closer to us every day. I expect that soon they will find us. Please don't be too sad, my dear Sirius. I plan to take a couple down with me.

I chuckled quietly. I could feel the emotion bubbling in my chest. Sadness for the mother that I had lost, longing for the woman that I had never known, and even a sense of pride for her brave attitude towards death. I wiped away a stray tear that had fallen from my eye and continued to read her letter.

Sirius, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to find Andie. I need you to help her to understand why I did what I did. I gave her the best chance at a life as I could. I need you to tell her about her brave mother. It's okay to exaggerate the details about me. I don't mind too much. Most importantly, my dear Sirius, I need you to take care of our daughter.

My head shot up. I stared to look at Sirius, my eyes wide and my heart pounding. I admit that I really had never thought about my father. I knew that I must of had one at some point but I never really put much stock into it. I looked him over, drinking in every detail that I could. His face held an expression of nervousness, an expression, that I realized, didn't really suit him. His face held prominent smile lines, lines that only someone who had spent a lot of time laughing for years would get. As I looked closer I was able to notice the similarities. His chin was just like mine and we even had the same nose. I noticed with a start that the soft blue eyes staring at me were my own. Sirius shuffled nervously on his feet and cleared his throat awkwardly. I realized that I had been staring at him for quite a few minutes. I rubbed the back of my neck and shifted my eyes from his face.

"So, does this mean...?" I started

"Yes." Sirius replied

"You and her-"


"And you're my-"

"That I am."

"Will you please stop interrupt-"

"Nope!" I shook my head a little, a smile tugging on my lips.

"Don't expect me to call you dad." The smile broke through as I heard his barking laugh.

"I didn't think you would!" I shook my head at him and handed back the letter. I really didn't have the nerve to read the rest of it, at least not yet. I turned my attention back to Dumbledore and finally voiced the thought that had been on my mind since waking up.

"What about my mom? My other mom I mean. Won't she be worried when she returns home and I'm not there?" Dumbledore gave me a sympathetic look.

"As far as we can tell, once we brought you back all traces of you had been erased in the other universe. Your mother and friends will have no recollection that you ever existed." I felt my stomach sink at his words. I slumped back against the couch trying to make sense of his words. I was relieved that my mother wouldn't be sad at my absence, but not remember me? My mother had been all that I had had for 15 years. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. A tear slipped out of my eye and I quickly reached up to wipe it away. Sirius made a move to comfort me, but then thought better of it and moved back.

"I- um, I'm feeling kind of tired. Can someone show me where I can sleep?" The hoarse tone was back in my voice, much worse then the first time. I cringed a little at the sound. Tonks jumped up and moved out of the room, motioning me to follow her. I mumbled a goodnight to the others in the room, not making eye contact with any of them and followed her from the room. We made our way up two flights of stairs in silence before she finally spoke.

"I put some of my old clothes in your room earlier. They looked like they might fit. We can get you some new clothes later this week, if you would like. The bathroom is right across the hall from your room and there are fresh towels in there." We stopped in front of a door on the third level. Tonks turned to face me, her eyes searching my face for any sign of emotion. I nodded and turned away to open the door. I heard her sigh and make her way back down the stairs. I had shut the door before she was out of sight and flopped down on the bed, finally letting myself cry all the tears inside of me.


A/N So here is the second chapter! I'm sorry for the long wait! I've been having a tough month. I also had to figure out where I wanted to end this chapter. I feel like here is a pretty good spot. Please remember to vote and comment! I want to know what you guys think! Thank you so much!

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