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>Be in Terezi's POV

Its fifth period now. Tavros hasn't said anything after I called an ambulance for him. I was so scared, but tried to hide it around Kanaya, or just straight up avoided her in general. With one look at me, she would know something is wrong.

Near the beginning of class, someone walked into the room, stopping our teacher. They told the teacher something then left. The teach pointed at me and told me to take my things to my locker and go to the office - I was leaving.

I ran out of the room. This could be for Tavros! Either good or bad, it was news about him!

I ran to the office and saw a man and woman waiting for me in nurse garb. They said they were taking me to the hospital, so I got in the ambulance they rode here in and we started off.

"What's wrong with him?" I begged.

The woman, who was in the passanger seat on my right, looked at me. "He's permanently paralyzed in both legs below his upper thigh. He also has a mild concussion, so please speak quietly when we enter his room."

I let that sink in. Permanently? He can't walk ever again? He's gonna hate me so much! This is all my fault!

We finally got to the hospital and the nurses led me to his room. When I saw him on the bed, I started crying. He was most likely sleeping, an ice pack resting on top of his head. His feet under the sheets were pointing in different directions, knowing they could never move again.

A male doctor next to Tavros's bed leaned over to Tavros's sleeping form and softly shook his, whispering something to him. His brown-orange eyes opened and he looked at me, smiling.

"H-Hey," he whisper greeted me.

I almost wailed. His voice sounded so tired and raspy, like he'd been screaming for a long time and his voice was almost gone.

The doctors left and I walked up to him, sitting in a chair on the right side of the bed.

I lifted my glasses, wiping my teal tears. "I-I'm so sorry Tavros," I told him, leaning over to cry into my hands.

"Like I-I said," he replied, "this wasn't you f-fault-"

"DON'T SAY-" I covered my mouth after I started to yell, remembering to be quiet. I sat back up. "N-No. This really is my fault Tavros! Kanaya trusted me to watch you this morning. We knew Vriska was coming back and how scared you were, a-and I forgot! Dave came by my hive to walk me to school and I forgot to make sure you even left your hive!" I started bawling, covering my mouth to stay quiet.

"A-And now," I spoke through my hand, making my voice sound muffled, "y-you won't be able t-to walk ever again!"

Tavros's eyes went wide. "W-What?" he whispered.

I looked up at him, shocked and wanting to cry more. "The doctors didn't fucking tell you? You're permanently paralyzed from you upper thighs and down, plus you have a concussion!"

His breathing seemed to speed up, looking side to side in panic and finally looking down at his legs covered by a sheet. His eyes began to tear up.

"P-Permanently?" he questioned himself quietly. I nodded - unsure if he saw me - and he started crying. "I-I can't . . . this c-can't be. . . ."

He tighted his hands into fists, looking down at his lap. "Vriska," he growled through clenched teeth. "I swear, when I get back to school. . . ."

I growled as well. "Vriska did this?" He nodded, his anger started to fade.

He stopped crying and waved his hand, as if waving me me goodbye. "Forget it! I-I could never confront Vriska-"

I cracked my knuckles. "Who said you had to do it?"

Tavros gave me a shy smile, blushing lightly. "T-Thanks Terezi, b-but I don't wanna worry about her right now." -he placed a hand on his covered thigh- "I need to get used to this."

There was a knock on his room door and a doctor entered - the same one by his bed when I got here. He walked to the foot of Tavros's bed.

"Good news," he started, flipping a paper up on a clipboard he held. "You might be able to go home soon." Tavros smiled as he heard this. "But," -Tavros's smile faded a little- "you won't be able to return to school yet. Do you have a guardian that could help you around your house?"

Tavros thought for a few seconds. "I have my lusus, T-Tinkerbull, but I-I don't think he'll be of much help."

The doctor seemed to think, probably trying to figure out what a lusus is.

He hummed and nodded. "Well, we might be able to send you with a stay-at-home nurse-"

I quickly stood up, raising my hand. "I'll do it!" I said excitedly, remembering to stay quiet.

The doctor raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure ma'am?"

I nodded. "Of course." -I looked at him and continued- "I'd do anything for a friend."

He stayed silent and wrote something on his clipboard. "We will call your school and tell them you two are staying home for emergency reasons. Tavros," -he pointed his pen at Tavros- "you will not go to school, or leave you . . . hive, for a week tops. After a week, please bring him back Ms. . . Pyrope. We will run a few tests on his head to see if he can withstand a whole day with so many loud students. Is that understood, both of you?" We nodded. "Great. Ms. Pyrope, I'll show you how to help Tavros properly into his new wheelchair. When you bring him back for testing, we'll help him with getting in and out of the wheelchair on his own, ok?"

I nodded again. "Sure thing. And, you can call me Terezi."

He nodded now. "Alright Terezi. Let's get started."

We spent quiet a bit of time practicing putting Tavros in his new grey wheelchair and taking him out of it. Hopefully his hive doesn't have stairs, cause I'm sure how big of a problem that would be for him.

The doctor said we could leave for his hive tomorrow, since some papers had to be done. I stayed until visiting hours were over then left.

When I got back to my hive, Kanaya trolled me on my husktop. This was gonna be a greeeeaaaat conversation.

----|Hide Troll-log|----

-- grimAuxiliatrix (GA) began trolling gallowsCaliborator (GC) --

GA: Terezi What Happened To You
GA: Dave Said You Started Crying After Second Period And I Didn't See You The Rest Of The Day
GA: And I Haven't Seen Tavros Either
GA: What Happened
GA: Hello
GA: I Feel That Is Not True
GA: No
GA: But You Are The Type To Be Dishonest
GC: RUD3 >:O
GA: Sometimes
GA: I Just Wish You Told Me Sooner
GA: Thank You
GA: That Is All
GA: Goodbye

-- grimAuxiliatrix (GA) ceased trolling gallowsCaliborator (GC) --


I felt dirty lying to Kanaya, but its what Tavros wanted. I felt sorry for him, knowing this was partially my fault, but at least he doesn't blame me.

But, is he mad at me. . .?

Little Bitty Miracles {Gamzee x Tavros}Where stories live. Discover now