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I sent the string of messages to Gamzee and hoped he would at least read them. Terezi was still asleep on my floor, so I quickly went back to my respiteblock, grabbing a blanket and pillow for her, covering her with the blanket and putting the pillow under her head.

I returned to my respiteblock yet again and decided to sleep as well. After a little while, I had finally climbed into my bed and went to sleep, to worn out to get under the covers.


>Timeskip to Tavros Returning to School

Terezi decided to come to my hive and bring me to school. My head was well enough to go back to school, but my doctor gave me special earplugs that were good for blocking out noise, plus a note for me to give to the office about my head and legs.

A knock sounded from my hive door and I rolled up to it, getting my bookbag in the process. I opened it to see. . . .

"G-Gamzee. . . ." I wasn't expecting him to be there. Terezi said she might be coming early, I thought this was her!

His eyes went wide as he looked at me. "Tavros," he started, "what happened?"

I started crying, quickly moving my wheeled chair back to try and shut my hive door, but Gamzee tried to keep it open.

"Tavbro what's wrong?" he asked, pushing against the door.

"D-DON'T LOOK AT ME!" I yelled, crying more.

"Tav, its ok, why are you cry-"

"I-I SAID DON'T. . . ." I started to stop pushing against the door, making Gamzee quickly open the door and kneel in front of me. I looked to my right, closing my eyes and crying more. "D-Don't look at me Gamzee. . . ."

"Were . . . were you hiding this from me?" I didn't respond, only cause it was true.

He placed a hand against my right cheek, gently pulling my face to look at his. "Tavros," he tried again, "were you hiding this from me?"

I opened my eyes and averted them from his and nodded. "I-I didn't want anyone k-knowing. T-The only one who knew w-was T-Terezi."

Gamzee put his other hand again my other cheek, slowly wiping tears away from my cheeks as I finally looked him in the eyes.

"Don't ever hide these things from me. I'm not gonna fucking hate you or shun you or pity you. You're my motherfucking moirial, and I care about you." -he leaned my head closer to his and our foreheads soon touched- "You can tell me anything and everything, ok?" I nodded slowly. He smiled. "Ok. Do you wanna go to school now?"

I looked away and shrugged. "I-I guess."

He let go of my face and stood up. "Alright then. Let's motherfucking go."

Gamzee started pushing my wheeled chair and I took out my portable husktop to tell Terezi that my moirial was taking me to school and that she didn't have to worry. She asked me a few times how my moirial found out, and I just told her not to worry again. She finally got used to it and signed off, saying she'd meet me at school.

We finally arrived at school and everyone started looking at me, whispering and pointing at me to their friends. I looked away from them and gritted my teeth, feeling lower than ever. I rolled myself to the office, giving them the note about my legs and head. Gamzee waited outside the office for me and I told him I could do fine on my own.

He nodded. "Alright. Honk if you need anything."

I tilted my head in confusion. "H-Huh?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you later, ok?"

I nodded. "O-Ok."

He smiled a lazy smile and left.

I went to my locker and got my stuff for first period, everyone either ignoring me or moving to give me better room to move. I got to my class and wheeled myself to the back, feeling people stare at the back of my head. Thankfully the chairs at our desks could be removed, so I put mine in the corner of the room, with the help of the teacher.

Before the five minute bell went off, Kanaya came running into the class, dragging Terezi behind her. She looked at me and let Terezi go and she just fell to the floor.

Kanaya ran to her seat and looked at me; I avoided her gaze.

"T-Tavros," she stuttered. "W-What-"

I held my left hand up, telling her to stop. "P-Please don't ask. I-I'll tell you later."

I saw Kanaya nod out of the corner of my eye and the class started a little after that.


>Timeskip to Lunch

"O-Oh," Kanaya responded slowly after I told her the whole story.

I looked away from her. "I-I'm sorry I lied. I-I was just scared what you would think, and I-I didn't want you to pity me or any-"

She placed a hand on my shoulder as if telling me to be quiet, but politely. "It is ok Tavros, I understand. I am just glad you are still in one piece."

I gave her a small but quick smile and went back to eating my food. We made small talk, and the good thing was is that nothing was awkward. It was like everything was still the same; just another normal day with me on my legs . . . that don't work anymore.

"So," I started, "how are you and Rose doing?"

"Well," Kanaya straightened herself, "I have been quiet worried about you recently, so she was at my hive most of the weekend. It was nice; we read some books, watched a few movies."

I nodded, smiling a little. "Cool."

Kanaya smirked at me. "W-What?" I asked.

"Do you have a flush-crush now?" she replied, still smirking.

I looked side to side. ". . . N-No."

"You took longer to reply this time I asked." -she put her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands- "So who is it?"

"Y-You're starting to sound like N-Nepeta," I chuckled, attempting to change the subject due to my nerves.

Kanaya gave me a less mischievous smile. "I am only curious Tavros."

I looked away, blushing quiet a bit. "I-I may or may not have the smallest f-flush-crush on . . . m-my m-moirial."

She smiled, seeming a little excited to hear my answer. "That is great! Who is your moirial; you have never told me."

I blushed a little more. "G-Gamzee."

"Gamzee Makara?" I nodded after she asked that.

"I-Its just," I started, "I-I'm not really sure how I feel about him."

"You like him as you moirial, right?" Kanaya asked.

I nodded. "O-Of course."

"What are some things you like about him, then?"

"W-Well," -I started to nervously rub the back of my neck- "h-he treats me like I can still walk. H-He always makes me feel important, a-and I always feel like I can tell him anything. P-Plus, he always calls me his miracle."

I finally looked at Kanaya who was looking at me. "You are blushing," she told me, and I blushed a little more.

"I-I'm still unsure if its a flush-crush, or just that I really like his as a friend." I thought for a second. "Anyways, t-there's no way he could have a flush-crush on me . . . r-right?"

Kanaya shrugged. "There is a possibility that he does, and a possibility that he doesn't."

"W-What do I do then?"

"Firstly, find out how you feel about him, then maybe see how he feels. Just don't wait to long."

Kanaya helped me throw away my trash and we both headed to our respected classes.

Little Bitty Miracles {Gamzee x Tavros}Where stories live. Discover now