Chapter Twenty-One

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Just short of a week, the group show up in fine from to celebrate Tori's latest and greatest accomplishment; practical studies are finished for the moment

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Just short of a week, the group show up in fine from to celebrate Tori's latest and greatest accomplishment; practical studies are finished for the moment. Since she hasn't skipped around her studies like I did, it means she's on track to graduating.

While I am happy for her . . . It doesn't mean I can't be sad at the same time. If I hadn't skipped around with my studies and just finished the course, I wouldn't be redoing it. I'd be qualified and moving on with my life. Instead, I'm not, I'm just here.

Tori has made mistakes in her past, but I feel like mine are worse. I hate that I can't feel completely happy for her, even when my life is beginning to be pieced back together again. I'm thankful for what I have, but that doesn't mean I don't have regrets.

Perhaps we fall, not to make a fool a fool of ourselves but to truly learn. Maybe I've been doing it wrong the whole time? Celebrate your wins, just as you celebrate your falls. I have plenty of those to celebrate . . .

My attention is quickly captured as I notice a hand sliding a shot glass in front of me. I follow the hand back to the owner to see a Tori grinning madly. My heart clenches as I tug on a bright smile.

    "Drink up," she cheers.

    "Oh, I will," I mutter.

I take the shot between my thumb and middle fingers and I stare it down. The liquid wobbles as I clink glasses with Tori. Some of the liquid splashes out of the glass and spills onto my fingers.

"Woohoo," Tori shouts. "Let's get another one."

My stomach begins to churn at the thought of having another round of drinks. I hold onto the bar as I lean back and look around. The blur of faces is worry until the familiar face of Kyle comes into view.

    As he walks past, I grab his arm and pull him to my side. He looks at me confusedly but I don't stop to explain the situation.

    "I think Kyle said he wants a drink," I yell to Tori.

    "Really?" she shouts happily.

    The grin on her face widens as she leans over the wooden bar to order. Kyle innocently looks between the pair of us while I smile cunningly. It looks like my plan has worked!

    I sigh with disappointment when the bartender lines up three shot glasses instead of two. My amazing plan is suddenly foiled in a matter of seconds.

    "Shoot," I grumble under my breath.

    Frowning at the glasses, I watch as she pours. Instead of the meek half-empty glasses, the lady fills them to the brim which causes the excess to overflow onto the bar top. A small bubble of liquid is created around the base of the glass. For once, I'm disappointed.

    Tori pays for the drink and then she ushers us to take one. Kyle reaches for the middle glass and I hesitantly take my time reaching for it.

    "Crap, crap, crap," I mutter.

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