Chapter Thirty-One

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The short black cocktail straw spins around my icy drink as I tap my nails against the moist glass

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The short black cocktail straw spins around my icy drink as I tap my nails against the moist glass. Nodding my head to something Charlotte says, I grab the drink and sip from the straw. My eyes scan the crowd before flickering to her sweaty face.

"Do you think I should be worried? Ugh, I don't know what to think." Charlotte hangs her head in her hands. Her curly brown hair cascades over her shoulder and slips into her dry martini.

"What are you talking about?" I question.

Charlotte's head slowly lifts up to gaze over her shoulder. I peek into the distance, curious about her drunken mumbles. I know I should have been listening, but the loud volume of the music pumping and my headache makes it hard to focus.

Axel busts out his routine dance moves which creates a small spectacle. Ben tries to unsuspiciously slip closer to Axel's grooving body as the dancefloor becomes compact. Axel grabs Ben's arm and tugs him closer.

One of the men dancing alongside Axel and Ben turns around. Their short dark brown hair mushes in a sweaty flop against his forehead. As I gaze into his brown eyes, I realise it is Kyle. I watch as Kyle slaps Ben's but which results in Axel returning the slap. The three of them laugh before falling into sync with another dance move.

"Kyle live with Ben . . . do you think?" she asks.

My head hits my hand as I take a deep breath. The tip of my elbow begins to sting from the pressure pushing it into the hard wooden bar top. As much as I love Charlotte, her insecurities are tedious.

When she saw me as a threat, Charlotte tried to push me aside so that she could move in and take my place. I gave her the space she wanted, but I don't know how that'll work with Ben. The pair live together and he's strong willed. Ben won't let Charlotte weasel in and ruin his friendship with Kyle.

Even though Ben scares me, I like that endearing quality about him. When it comes to his friendship, he's honest and true. It reminds me of Kyle and our friendship. However, Ben looks hard and cold even though he can also come across as feminie.

"I think you're being ridiculous, Charlotte. Kyle is handsy with all his friends," I say.

"Okay." She slowly nods her head. "Do you think I should talk to Ben? See what he thinks about Kyle's behaviour."

I sigh, "Leave it be, Charlotte, he's just having fun."

Again, she slowly nods her head. From the blank expression playing on her face, I can tell she's still confused about the situation.

It's hard being the person people go to for advice. I could never know everything, even if people wished I did. I wouldn't have so many problems if I knew this information for myself.

Charlotte polishes off the remainder of her beer before wobbly climbing off the stool. She tugs down her short tight black dress and wanders into the crowd. Charlotte wraps her arm around Kyle's waist and kisses his cheek.

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