Chapter 1

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Bella's P.O.V
Renesme was asleep.
"Hello." Edward said.
"Hello" I answered. We were watching Renesme sleep.
"She has your smile" I said while smiling slightly.
"She has your beautiful hair." The moment was interrupted by Rosalie.
"Bella, can I talk to you for a second?" She said annoyed.
"Um yeah, sure" I turned to Edward as I made my way to the door.
"I'll be back." I said quietly closing the door.
I followed Rosalie outside and we sat on the porch swing.
"So what's up?" I asked confused.
"I need to talk to you about Renesme."
"What about Renesme?" I asked getting frustrated.
"Edward wanted me to tell you the truth about me wanting to help you with Renesme while you were dying." She said slightly smirking.
"I wanted to help because I thought you were going to die and I knew that Edward wanted nothing to do with the baby if you died." She said finishing the explanation.
"Wow, so you didn't want anything to with me, you just wanted renesmee?!" I shouted in her face.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry." She spoke looking down into her lap playing with her ring on her finger nervously.
"So you just used me?!" I spoke in harsh tone, starting to stand up. I didn't even want to look at her anymore at the moment. I was even just starting to like her. So much for that.
Right as I stood up Jasper, Emmet, Carlisle, Esme, and Alice came rushing outside. Edward was the last to come out of the house.
"It's okay, Bella." Edward said softly putting his arm around my waist.
"No it's not, she used me!" I said pushing his hands on my waist.
"I thought she really liked me, and then suddenly she admits that she used me!" I said shouting while looking at everyone.
"Stop it, it's not working, I know what you are doing!"
"Bella, I know you're upset but you need to calm down!" Edward said calmly putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him.
"You what, I should before I rip Rosalie's head off." I snarled.
"No I need time, I will be back before morning" I said going in the house to get my jacket. I was going to go Jacob's house, but they don't allow vampires on their property. I decided to go to the forest the look around and reminisce about when Edward brought me here. I heard a noise and I quickly turned around.
"Hey, I remember you." The man slurred. I turned around and seen where that voice was coming from a man with a white shirt with stains on it and some ripped jeans on his shirt he had these brown stains and on his left knee was ripped and had blood stains on it. My throat started to burn. "Where your buddy" said the guy. him speaking of Edward."ummmmm he is on his way" I said nervously. Why should I be neverous I am a vampire for crying out loud. "well he isn't here now" he said grinning. then you could see blood running from his knee the next thing I knew that I was on top of him tasting blood....

"Bella?" said a familiar voice I turned around to see who it was. Edward."Bella you can't just run away like that I was worried about you. Don't worry about Rosalie she has a few problems."I looked down to see the dead mans body on the ground.I remember that we can't go hunting on Jacobs and his pack territory."Edward what about the guy I am so sorry I didn't mean to hunt on their territory." I stuttered its okay Bella we all have our first human". He said smirking. we were on our way to the house then we decide to race, of course he won. when we walked back in the house everyone waked towards me looking worried. "don't do that ever again." said Alice coming toward me with a hug. They acted like I couldn't survive out there. "I'm okay I just needed a little break that's all." renesmee walked in towards me with a hug." mommy are you okay." she sounded worried." yeah mommy is fine." I said trying to make a fake smile I don't want renesmee to know what happened between me and Rosalie. "well who wants to go hunting "Emmet said loudly. "lets do it then." said Carlisle. "Alright"I said and started turning towards the door. "aren't you full Bella "Emmet chuckled under his breath." you told" I turned towards Edward smiling."um yes" he smiled. "Its okay Bella we all have Done it."Alice said giving Emmet an evil look. I giggled I bet they probably did." okay lets go" Esme said. We all went hunting it was renesmee actually first hunt so I was really excited to see what she will catch but turns out it was a squirrel. "mom I could of done better daddy caught a mountain lion that's not fair".said renesmee frustrated. "Well he has more experience then you this is your first time so give it so time." I said trying to make things positive". Someone is coming" said Alice worried looking. We all gathered around Edward in front of me and renesmee. "Who" said Carlisle."I don't recognize her". Maybe she is passing by" said Esme. There was a girl dark skin long medium hair the color of brown with blood all over her mouth and cloths with red eyes looking scared and shocked. Esme walked up to her looking worried. "are you okay" said Esme worried. The girl looked up and shook her head. "what happening I'm scared"." where did you come from" said Esme."I'm running from this man he is going to find me I keep running away from him but he keeps finding me I have to go". She said stuttering. Esme and Carlisle looked at each other stunned. "what is your name" said Carlisle. "Anna Jones" she said. "lets get her inside, we can ask the questions later" said Esme. "no I have to go he might find me" said Anna." your safe with us I promise you". Said Esme walking slowly towards Anna reaching her hand to hers. "okay". Anna said warily. They walked in the house slowly and went upstairs to clean up closing the door behind them. "we aren't gonna let her live here are we? Said Rosalie. "they were thinking about it". Said Edward. "NO YOU CANT DO THAT ARE YOU INSANE WE DONT EVEN KNOW WHO THE NOMAD WHO IS CHASING HER SHE COULD PUT US IN DANGER!" said Rosalie."it doesn't matter she is in danger and can get help we do that to vampires like us."said Carlisle calmly."i agree with her, we dont even know what she is capable of".said emmet worried."i read her mind she isnt anything dangerous but she does need our help her parents are dead the vampire killed them and she walked in and then he attacked her but left her there".edward said. Anna started to come downstairs with esme.Esme walked to the couch and sat her down."we want to ask you a couple of questions is that ok"? said carlise. anna shook her head up and down."how did you turn"."i was walking home coming from a friends house it was about midnight my mom just called to see if i was on my way. she sounded perfectly fine.when i started to walk up the drive way you heard a scream i rushed in to see what was going on she was on the floor a pool of blood around her and a man on top of her by her neck with blood all over his mouth, he had brown hair with red eyes and a scare on his left eye he was wearing trench coat with a black shirt and black jeans with black dress shoes. I started to run upstairs but he was faster and he pushed me down the stairs and I cut opened my head. he started to look at me weird. the next thing I knew he was on top of me then he whispered in my ear that it was gonna hurt then he bit was very painful, then he left me alone I was there in that same place for 3 days in pain couldn't do anything. then I was able to get up and all a sudden my throat started to burn. he was there sitting on the couch I was so upset that the killer of my mom was just sitting on the couch smiling I was so angry I attacked him. I jumped on him so angry and started to punch him he threw me across the room I was to weak to get up.he told me that he wanted to help me and that he didnt want to hurt me and he was sorry for killing my mom i didnt believe him but i was afraid that he was gonna kill me too. So i pretended to believe him,he taught me how to fight and how to hunt and how to be around humans and try to control my thirst after he taught me the main things i needed to learn i was going to run away from him once i had a one day i was sick and tired of his games pretending that nothing happened knowing that i know that he killed my mother,so i fought him i tackled him and beat the crap out of him knowing he wasnt dead but i just ran i hadent eaten in days but i knew he was watching me because i could hear his thoughts thats he day i knew he was looking for me.i was so thirsty i wasnt worried about that so i hunted but i nevered realized that he was there looking at me then i started to run and that where you found me but i have a feeling thats he watching me".she looked around."i just cant hear his thoughts"."she has your powers"i said."i have more than i thought i had".anna said"i can have fire threw my hands,smoke has came from my hands that i can kill people senses and i can hurt people with my mind". we all looked at anna like she just came out a fire alive.she turned torn rosalie"you wont have to worry about me because i was just leaving i wouldnt want to put you or your family in any danger". she said getting up she turned towards esme."thanks for helping me clean up". "no probem just answer this one question". esme said "yes"said anna."how old are you"."14 miss".she turned to look at carlise."she doesnt have home she needs our protection please carlise". carlise looked at edward it looked like they were talking to each other.then he looked at rosalie she rolled her eyes.he walked up to anna"we want you to stay we don want you to be alone we want to help you"." are you sure" anna said mumbling."yes"."well welcome home." Esme gave Anna a hug then Carlisle "thank you so much I am very grateful" said Anna."no problem, let me show you to your room "said Alice. they both went up stairs. then I heard a knock on the door I looked at Edward. "Its Jacob and Seth "he said. "Jacob"!. yelled renesme. he opened the door and renesme ran towards him. "oh your getting heavy" Jacob grunted. "hey everyone" said Seth. "hey Seth" I said. then Anna walked down stairs with Alice, then Seth stopped in his tracks and started to stare at Anna. Anna stared right back at him. "um H-I-I I'm Seth". "hi I'm Anna". Jacob looked at edward."Seth its time to go".said Jacob he pushed Seth towards the door "but we got here"said Seth sadly.they walked out door.edward looked towards me "Seth imprinted on anna".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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