2. On our way

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'Okay, we have everything!' Alice says as they walk out of the store with a bag full of food. 'Now we need to wait for the taxi.' Charlie grabs a box of cookies out of the bag. 'We have more than enough, we can eat some while we wait.' She reaches the box to Alice. 'Why are we like this?' Alice asks, then she grabs a cookie. A few minutes later the taxi arrives. Charlie and Alice get in and offer the chauffeur a cookie. Of course he takes it, these cookies are delicious.

The trip to the concert is fun. They have good food and the chauffeur is very friendly, eventho his english isn't the best and the girls their Korean isn't very great either. The best part is that he knows many things about BTS and he has one of their albums in his car. Ofcourse they play the album and sing along, even the chauffeur! It's an awesome ride.

One hour later

They're almost there! It's only a few streets ahead of them. 'Girls, is it okay if I drop you here? I think you are faster if you walk last streets, because those streets very busy, many cars.' The chauffeur looks at us. 'I think that's okay.' Says Alice while trying to figure out if Charlie is okay with it too. 'Yeah sure!' Charlie answers. The girls grab their bags and pay the chauffeur. 'Thank you, it was an awesome ride!' Charlie says while she closes the car door and waves at the chauffeur, he waves back and then drives away. 'Let me look on Maps to see where we need to go.' Alice grabs her phone. 'It's the quickest if we go through this park.' She points at the entrance of a green park. 'Let's go then!' Charlie says enthusiastically as she walks to the entrance.
The park is beautiful with many different trees and a little pond, but there aren't that many people. There is a small group of parents with little children playing on the grass. There are also a few runners. It very peaceful to walk here, but then Alice and Charlie encounter a crossroad. Alice looks on her phone, but her maps isn't working. 'Char, can you look for the way?' Charlie grabs her phone, but it is out of battery. 'I thought I charged it this morning?! What the ..?' She looks annoyed at her phone, but she remembers she has a powerbank with her. 'I think we need to ask someone for directions, because your phone will take a while to get back on.' They look around, but don't see anyone. 'You know what, i will go walk the right path and you will go in the left and then maybe one of us encounters someone and can ask for directions and we will be back in this spot in ten minutes, okay?' Charlie looks at Alice and waits for her approval, Alice nods 'okay, we will just try that and if one of us isn't back in ten minutes, we will go to the other ones path?' Charlie puts het thumb up 'Okay!'.

Alice POV

Im going in the left path. It goes kind of straight, and within two minutes walking i can already see a little bench in the distance and i think there are people sitting on it. When i get closer i can see that there are two men on it, i hope they speak english. It is an older man, i think between 40 and 50 years old, and a boy i think around 20 years old. They both wear sunglasses, eventho it's not that sunny. The boy also wears a beanie. They are in a conversation, but when they see me they stop talking. Im always a little shy, but i try to approach them confidently. 'Hello, can I ask you something?' I ask, not to one of them in general. 'Yes, ofcourse, how can I help?' The boy answers. His voice kinda sounds familiar and he has a cute Korean(ish) accent, i'm glad he speaks english.  'Can you tell me how to get here?' I ask while giving the boy a piece of paper, where i wrote the name of the concert hall on, because i don't know how to pronounce it. The boy shows it to the older man and they both laugh a little. I'm a little bit confused, why are they laughing? And why does the boy sound so familiar???? 'I know where this is, are you going to the BTS concert?' The boy asks. 'are you going too?' I ask him curiously. The boy and the older man burst out in laughter, especially the older man seems to have loads of fun. I just stand there, feeling a bit awkward because i have no idea what is going on. The boy stops with laughing and pokes the older mans arm so that he will stop too. 'Yes, i am going th-' within the boys phrase, a phone starts ringing. The older man grabs his phone and says something Korean to the boy signing and walking away. The boy says something back and then looks at me again. 'So you're going there too? Maybe we can walk to the concert together and with my best friend.' I say,  and think that would be fun, right? But then something hits me, i know where i remember his voice from..... this boy.. the boy i'm talking to is JUNGKOOK! How didn't I recognize him sooner? Maybe because of the way he sits there.. he doesn't look like an idol who is famous all around the world, he just looks like friendly boy. 'I would love to, but i don't think that it's a good idea..' he says while taking his sunglasses off. I look in his eyes and just forget all the fangirl stuff. He is so pure. 'Oh yeah.. i see..' i laugh shy. 'But we can wait here together for your friend.' He smiles and signs that i can sit next to him on the bench.

Charlie POV

Im going in the path on the right. The path bends a little bit to the right, but then goes straight. I don't see anyone from here, but i will just walk a little further. The only things i see are trees and ducks, but no people... no wait.. I see someone! In the distance i can see an old lady feeding some ducks. I couldn't see her first, because she was standing behind a big tree. I walk towards her and hope she can speak english. 'Hello, can you help me?' I ask the woman. She looks up to me and says something in Korean. 'Can you speak english?' I ask her hopefully. The woman just stares at me, then she gives me some kind of bread and points at the ducks. Does she wants me to feed them? Okay then, i tear the bread in all pieces and throw it at the ducks. The old lady seems happy, but i don't really have time for this. With the little Korean i know, i tell the lady that i need to go. She smiles and gives me another piece of bread. Then she says goodbye and waves. What a cute old lady. I walk back to the crossroad, because i don't think i will encounter someone else and already over ten minutes have passed.
When i get to the crossroad, Alice isn't there. I look on my phone, +/- 17 minutes have passed. She probably encountered someone, so i will go to the left path. Within a few minutes i can see Alice sitting on a bench next to a boy, they are talking to each other. As I come closer i recognize the boy.. it's Jungkook?!

Nobody's POV (lol idk what it's called)

'Hey!' Charlie says while standing infront of Jungkook and Alice. 'Hii, you are Alice her friend Charlie!' Jungkook smiles at Charlie. Charlie looks a little confused at Jungkook and then at Alice. 'Yes im Charlie and uhm.. you are Jungkook.' Jungkook laughs, 'yes i am, at least you recognize me!' He winks at Alice and she laughs shy / a little bit embarrassed. Charlie smiles, but honestly she is really confused and has no idea what is going on. Then the old man, Jungkooks manager, walks up to the bench. He says something Korean to Jungkook. 'I need to go now, but i will first tell you how to get there.' He quickly tells the directions to the concert, then he gives Alice a hug and he waves at Charlie. 'Byee, i hope you will stand close to the stage!' He gives the girls just one more cute smile and then he walks away with his manager. As soon as Jungkook is almost out of sight, Charlie pulls Alice so they are facing each other. Charlie smiles, 'Girl, you need to explain... a lot!'

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