3. The Concert

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While walking towards the concert, Alice tells Charlie everything about how her meeting with Jungkook was. That she didn't recognize him at first, that he still has the piece of paper with the place of the concert on it and that she tells her what their conversation was about and that is was really nice. 'Oh my god Alice, Jungkook is in love with you!' Alice looks shook at her friend. 'Charlie what are you thinking?! We only talked for like 15 minutes!' Charlie doesn't listen, she jumps around her friend saying 'Alice and Jungkooook! Alice and Jungkooook!' Alice gets red. 'Char stop it! By the way, i don't think Jungkook and his manager want people to know about our "meeting".' Charlie stops jumping. 'Hmm... maybe you're right... but what would your shipname be?' Charlie looks thoughtful at Alice, Alice looks annoyed. 'Come on Al, don't tell me you don't like him.' Charlie says, sort of concerned. 'Of course I like him, but he probably only sees me as a fan.' Alice shrugs her shoulders. 'I don't think so, he wouldn't talk about that kind of stuff with "just a fan"!' Charlie says. Alice wants to comment on Charlie, but then they hear many people scream. When they walk around a corner, they see loads of girl, and a few boys, all standing and walking around something, no wait, someone. Between all the people screaming and running, Alice and Charlie can see Jungkook with his manager walking towards the back entrance of concert building, together with some security guys. 'Should we go to the main entrance?' Charlie asks Alice. 'I CAN'T HEAR YOU, WHAT DID YOU SAY?' Alice screams back. Charlie grabs Alice's arm and pulls her away from the crowd. The noise is less loud where they stand now. 'If we go to the main entrance now, we can claim a spot close to the stage, the doors to the concert just opened and most of the fans are still standing around Jungkook.' Alice looks excited at Charlie. 'Yesss, that's a great idea!!' Together they sneak to the main entrance. There are some other fans, but not many.

In about half an hour Charlie and Alice are standing in front of the stage and claimed their spots. The concert hall is quite small compared to other concert halls where BTS has performed. More and more fans are coming and it's getting crowded.

Some time passes... then the concert starts and all the fans go crazy!

Everyone has their army bombs up and is singing along with the songs, it's truly amazing! And Alice and Charlie are so close to the stage! The boys dance, walk and jump around on the stage. Jungkook looks at the crowd when he walks past the edges of the stage. It seems like he is searching for something or someone. He just keeps looking and looking. Then Jungkooks and Alice's eyes meet. Jungkook looks kinda shook and they stare at each other for a moment, then it's jungkooks turn to sing, he gives a quick wink and then walks away. The fans around Alice and Charlie go crazy. Charlie looks with a derp face at Alice. 'He totally looked and winked at you girl!' She pokes Alice jokingly in her arm. 'Stop it Char! There are many fans here and it's really crowded, there is a big chance he winked at someone else.' Alice face gets red, she tries to cover it. Charlie laughs, 'you know it's true what i say.' The next songs starts playing and the fans go wild again, Alice goes crazy too and acts like nothing has happened.

A few minutes later, Jungkook comes close to the audience again. Charlie instantly looks at Alice, who is smiling shyly while looking up/in front of her. Charlie follows her gaze and it's not a surprise to see that Alice is looking into the eyes of Jungkook. They smile at each other and Charlie can hear other fans whispering. She can understand things like 'she is so lucky' and 'do they know each other?'. Jungkook walks away again, Alice turns around to Charlie. She is still smiling, but then she becomes red again and hides her face.

The concert goes on and the girls are having the time of their lives. During the concert Jungkook came another few times and it's getting really obvious that he comes for Alice, he even waved at her one time. Some fans around Alice and Charlie are getting kind of jealous, others are really excited for Alice and  fangirl about it.

Then it's time for the last song of that evening. After they perform the last song, all the members say something Korean, except Namjoon, he also says something in English. Jungkook is the last one to say anything. He starts with Korean, but then he start speaking English too. 'We will do something special this time and perform one more thing..' he says, the other members look confused and curious at Jungkook. 'We will get two fans on stage while we perform just one last song.' The other members look SHOOK, especially Namjoon. All the fans go crazy. Jungkook walks around the stage looking at the audience. Then he walks in the direction to Alice and Charlie. He stops in front of them and looks at the two.

'Oh..my...god..' Charlie whispers to her friend. Jungkook focuses his gaze on Alice. 'Ali-...' he stops in the middle of a word. 'Uhm.. I mean.... you, the blonde girl, and your friend with the short hair, do you want to come on stage?' Jungkook is sitting on his knees on the stage, pointing at Alice and Charlie. Other fans are yelling and some are looking in silence, trying to understand what is happening. Charlie and Alice are standing there, with their mouth open because of disbelief, looking at Jungkook. Then they nod yes. Jungkook smiles and says something to  some guards who are standing in between the stage and barriers/low fences, were the fans are standing behind. The guards help the two girls get over the barriers and then lift them on the stage.

There they are, standing on the stage, next to Jungkook, infront of many army's....

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