What My Mother Can't Hear

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Please help me!

I'm screaming and screaming, but why can't you hear me?

I'm sitting at the control panel in my brain,

Trying to reach out and tell you

"I am sorry, and I love you."

But my mouth is a wicked messenger,

taking my thoughts and turning them into cruel, harsh words that hit you like bullets.

My eyes, swollen and aching from tears that burn my face as they fall, see you looking at me and not understanding why I am so hateful.

My ears are mendacious and deceiving.

They tell me, "She hates you." and "You're ruining their lives."

My arms are lonely,

and they ache to once again feel secure in your comforting embrace.

My legs are filled with lead,

tethering me to my bed like an anchor on a ship.

My heart, charred and in ruins,

Wants nothing more but to be able to open up and accept the love you give so willingly.

Inside my tower,

nestled between the curls of my hair,

I am watching each painful interaction between this once loving mother and child.

With each year, month, day, and moment, I see us growing apart.

Oh! How I wish things were different.

How I wish my deafening thoughts could be heard, so I can finally tell you what my broken anatomy cannot express.

Despite all the messages my body tries to send,

no matter how loud I scream,

I am silent.

A/N: My wonderful cover was made by ruinlands, I am very thankful that I found someone who could make me such a perfect cover!

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I would like to thank everyone who has read, voted, and commented on this poem! I appreciate the support!

I love to hear from my readers, and I love conversations, so I will leave questions at the bottom of my Author Notes for anyone to answer in the comment section(or my DM's!)

Questions for you:

If you could write a letter to anyone, telling them how you really, truly feel, who would it be?

What would you say?

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