Chapter 3 (Part I)- Flying Tater Tots And Stained Jeans

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Special shout out to @OptimisticWriting for creating the beautiful cover :)

Secrets by One Republic above :)

''Look at things through your eyes. Then look at them through mine. You will see thinks differently.''

-Hope Fischer

Not Edited

The day after, Maybel and I walked around cautiously, looking to see what Carly could've possibly thought up. Multiple scenarios ran through my head, maybe she would pour a strange liquid of any color on top of my head, maybe she'll walk me into a trap and record it like Gabbie said, or even she could turn everyone against me and make me an outcast. Thinking of these countless possibilities honestly made me want to go into a corner and hide until the end of Senior Year. Walking and thinking are two activities that shouldn't be mended together, like I was doing. I certainly found out after a few seconds passed when I felt a pair of warm hands grab my shoulders. ''Maybel, I know that you're a warm person but-'' I met a pair of familiar light brown eyes. One's I know I've seen before, one's that you think are only available to insanely distracting celebrities. Take Ian Somerhalder for instance, a guy I'd take writing and soccer over any day. Of course his eyes aren't light brown, though, they are like an intense blue of some-

''You better watch where you're going Em'' a familiar male voice called. Shaking me slightly then pulling me into a hug. A smell of sweet mint came to me, I'm guessing it's their gum.

''Who, um, are you?'' I asked, obviously very confused. I patted their back awkwardly.

The strange, yet familiar guy pulled away, but was still oddly holding me ''Em, get out of your little world and look at me''

''How do you know my name-'' My eyes widened and I let out a really intense valley girl scream, I started shaking and pulled them into a very strong hug. I jumped up and down ''Chasie!''

I heard him deeply chuckle. God, did I miss that deep chuckle ''I had thought you forgot about me for a minute. But yet again, I know you like to live in your whole world. You really shouldn't walk and think'' he grinned, a bit of his not so perfect- but still equally amazing- teeth showing. I also missed his cute smile, his little dimples too.

Chase has been my friend since childhood, so has his sister, Amanda, but we aren't nearly as close as Chase and I. The reason why I am so exited to see Chase, is because in the beginning of school, he was supposed to ride it to Senior Year with me, but his foster parents had a job offer in some other district. His parents worked at this school, but recently quit because of that. Long story short, he had to leave school, and now I guess he came back. Mental note, ask him about that later. ''So where's Amanda?'' I questioned.

He shrugged and looked over his shoulder, then back to me ''she was behind me. I think she's getting her schedule''

''Do you have yours?''

''Yeah'' he said as he picked into his jeans and pulled out a paper. He handed it to me, he licked his lips ''I only glanced at it. I wanted to find you first'' a smile formed onto his features.

I nodded and unfolded the crumpled paper, Chase was never the one you'd call 'organized'. I examined it ''Oh great! You only have four classes with me, that's amazing'' I said as sarcastically as possible.

He pointed to the paper ''hey, at least we have half the day together''

I scoffed and crossed my arms, giving him the paper back.


I looked up from Chase, glanced at Maybel, who was playing joyfully on her phone, then to the voice. It was Amanda. She hasn't changed at all, unlike Chase, he kind of grew some stubble. It looked good on him, though. ''Amanda!'' I yelled back, equally as enthusiastic.

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