Diagon Alley

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Older Sabrina above.

First Year

"Come along lovely! Lots to buy for your first year, dear! Come, come!" Says an older woman aloud. Short, around her early to mid 30's, shuffling through the crowded streets while holding the hands of a even shorter girl about 11 or 12. Her long dirty blonde hair with natural red stripes mixed here and there pulled to a high pony tail. Her muggle shoes hitting the cobblestones with light taps as she struggled to keep up with her energetic Godmother.

A giggle escaped her natural pink lips and a happy twinkle in her brown eyes as she replied in her high happy child tone "I'm going as fast as I possibly can Nana, but my legs are simply to short! The traffic doesnt help me none, either!" The older woman laughs light heartedly at this and stops to allow the girl to catch her steps.

"Oh I'm just a-teasing ya dear, come come heres Flourish and Blotts, you go on in an wait for me while I pop in somewhere to get a present for you, alright dearest? Maybe you'll run into some fellow students and you can have them give you some help while you wait, bye bye love I'll be back before the hour chime" the brown haired woman kissed the top of the girls head, receiving another giggle as she left the book store.

As she turned around she began making a silent greeting in her head 'Um, Hello my name is...no that sounds too nervous, uhm how bout...Hi! My name is-no that's to outgoing...OK when I see some I'll jus' go like this-' "Hi there! You look a bit nervous, need any help? My name is Fred by the way, Fred Weasley!" A boy with very red hair, a little older than her by maybe two years and a mischievous attitude said to her, startling her out of her thoughts as he continued. "(F)Don't worry, Its my youngest brothers first year also!-" "(G)And next year will be our sisters" "(F)yeah! So if you need help, me and George here will be happy to help!" "(G)By the way, what's your name?" Another boy, obviously Fred's Twin brother as the only difference between them were their voice pitches, came up from behind the girl.

She smiled and shook both their hands. "I'm Sabrina, Sabrina Black. And yes it is my first year, my Nana just went to get me a present as my birthday isn't till after term begins. As for help that would be lovely, in my godmothers rush, she forgot to give me my book list" Sabrina shrugged a bit as she finished speaking.

"(F)I bet, this time of year is the busiest for Diagon Alley. It's almost maddening!" "(G)Not to mention the cost for everything." All three of them laughed a bit as they scanned through the store, slowly gathering the books needed. Then, as does everything when you find new friends and have fun, the door to the shop opened with a ding of the chime bell attached to it, showing the face of Sabrina's godmother while the woman came in with her arms full of boxes. She apparently did more than just present shopping.

"Oh there you are Sabrina! Come along chi- Oh! You made new friends already! Hello dears, I'm Anne Grace, Sabrina's God-Mother..." She frantically shook both the boys hands as they all came down the stairs, the boys Introducing themselves as they shook hers.

"I'm Fred!" "And I'm George," "It's a pleasure to meet you!" They both spoke at the same time at the end, it was cool but also kinda freaky. "(G)And it was nice to meet you Sabrina," "(F)yeah, if your put into Gryffindor then we would love to help you around,"  "(G)but till then we gotta split, otherwise our mother might just kill us for not keeping up." "(F)But it was worth it to meet you. Also keep in mind, even if your not put into Gryffindor, we should become good friends. You seem nice enough," "Later for now Sabrina!" Again they spoke in unison, waving to Sabrina as they both squeezed passed Anne and out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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