Changes in seconds

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I stop at a cross walk, feeling the bitterness of cold air rush through me as I wait for the sign to indicate I can cross. My phone vibrates against my thigh for the 30th since I left work. I finally pull it out of my pocket and answer it. I grunt while placing my phone next to my ear, preparing the call that my mom has been anticipating for the past 20 minutes or so.

"Daniel. It's almost 6:30, where are you?" She instantaneously asks before I am even given the chance to say hi.

"I had to stay in for a extra 10 minutes to help out with some boxes. I'm on my way home right now." I explain. My mum isn't strict, but I'm grounded at the moment for accidentally selling an axe to a child at my job that I just got fired from. So now I'm only allowed to go to school, work, then straight home for the next 2 months until I'm released from house arrest. I was supposed to get off work a half an hour ago but I got stuck with doing boxes at my new job I just recently applied to and had to stay extra time. Since I'm new I couldn't refuse when they asked me to stay back and help.

"You promise you will be home before the clock hits 7?" She asks, putting pressure the on me. I let out a loud sigh to express to her my annoyance. I tap my foot against the ground, getting impatient with the light.

"Yes mum, I promise you I'll be home soon."

"You better be Dan, or I'm going to give the last piece of pie to your brother." She threatens. I giggle a little.

"Wow, how cruel." I sarcastically respond. "Lucky I can just buy my own pie and be home even later." I add. I hear my mum make a dramatic sigh across the phone.

"Dan you-"

"Oh mum... Sorry... You... Are breaking...." I make static noises before hanging up our conversation. I picture the expression on her face as I insert my phone back into my pocket, making me laugh. The light finally changes red and the signal for me to cross pops up across the street. I take a step forward.

"Look out!" I hear someone scream the second I step onto the street. I go to turn my head when the feeling of two strong hands grip onto my back and shoulder, yanking me backwards. Within a second I'm thrown off the street and towards the ground. I trip on my own feet from the force and fall onto my side, feeling my arm collied with the concrete. I wince from the pain and roll onto my back.

"What the he-" I stop mid-sentence as a large truck speeds by in front of me, letting out a uproarious honk. The smell of burning rubber overpowers the area as the truck disappears into the distance. My heart stops to the sound, then heavily beats from the thought of what just happened. Everything within me freezes, besides my heart that is pounding against my chest. I stare at the now empty road ahead of me, feeling as if my life just flashed before my eyes.

...That could have hit me

1 step further and I would have been hit

I could have died...

My chest rises high to the aching thoughts of me getting hit.

...I didn't get hit though

I'm still alive because someone pulled me back

Who was that...

I turn my head up to thank whomever was the one who saved me from  almost becoming road kill, but there is no one there. I roll onto my hands and knees and push myself off the cold ground. I spin around just incase I'm blind and didn't notice them, but there is no one near me. I shake my head in confusion before glancing down at my black outfit that is now covered in dirt. I wipe myself with my hands, that reassuring me that I'm not actually dead. I stand straight and look back ahead of me.

Saving me || Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now