2 hours

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A crowd surrounds the area, watching as the old woman gets lifted into the ambulance. None of them knowing that they all have witnessed the last seconds of her life. I turn back towards the guy who I spotted before. My eyes locking to the low numbers above his head, watching as they slowly count down. I've never seen him before yet I can tell that he is young, maybe a little older than me. If these numbers that have magically appeared floating above everyone's heads do represent whosever lifespan then he is going to die in 2 hours. I won't be able to sleep tonight if I go home right now when I'm probably the only one that will be able to save him, so I need to do everything I can to prevent whatever is going to be the end of him.

My eyes lower from the numbers and to his face. Paleness colours his expression and a shine appears in his eyes from the glossiness of the tears forming. He covers his mouth with his hand and turns away from the scene. He pushes himself through the crowd of people and heads down the street. I trace his steps, keeping my head high to make sure not to lose him and begin following him. Not in a stalker way, I'm just trying to work up the courage to actually walk up and speak to him.

"Dan. I know you are an incredibly, socially awkward human being and any encounter with anyone requires effort, but if he is going to die in 2 hours then you are the only one that is able to save him." I say out loud to myself to try to work up the courage to even just walk up to him. I take a deep breath and pick up my speed. "Hey are you okay?" I finally ask him before I had time to chicken out. He jumps to my voice and uncovers his mouth.

"Huh?" He questions as he turns around. He looks back behind me before locking eye contact. "Oh yeah, I'm okay." He says, this hint of panic in his voice.

"Are you sure? You look really pale." I mention. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Oh no, I'm just naturally pale." He says. If that's true then he is really pale. "Which is why I don't stay out in the sun for too long. The sun burns me alive." He adds, making me laugh a little.

"That's like me and outside. Nature is no for me." I say. He laughs and nods his head. I smile to his laugh. It's low and you can hear the happiness within it, which gives me a sense of happiness as well. He stays put and keeps his gaze up towards mine, giving me a feeling that he wants to continue this conversation. "So are you sure you are okay? I watched how you turned away from that and you looked upset." I ask again in hopes this will lead into us talking until his numbers get down to 0.

"Yeah I am. It just reminded me of my grandma, who passed away a few month ago." He reveals. My eyes drop into the thought of him reliving flashbacks of his grandma whilst watching the old lady.

"Aww, I'm sorry to hear that." I generally apologize. He lets out a short sigh as he shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, that's life. Nothing you can really do about it." He says. I look back up at the numbers above his head. Maybe you can't do anything if you don't know someone is going to die, but if you do know you will be able to prevent it. "It made me feel emotional watching that old lady get carried up into the ambulance because I got this strong vibe that she... Well... Died." He adds. He's not wrong, but why is he right? Maybe he too can see numbers but doesn't want to ask in fear that I'll think he's crazy.

"How do you know she passed?" I ask. He looks around him, making sure no one is close.

"Okay if I tell you, you have to promise you won't think I'm insane." He says. My eyes widen. Am I right? Does he also have this weird power I have consumed?

"I promise." I say. He looks around again before stepping closer to me.

"My grandma... She was psychic." He reveals. I go to say me too when I realize he said something completely different from what I expected.

"Psychic?" I question. He nods his head.

"Yup. She could predict things before it happened and even guess the sex of a baby in someone's tummy before it was revealed, and I think she may have passed down her psychic powers to me." He explains. I press my lips tightly together to keep in a laugh. He stares at me with this serous look, causing me to burst. "Hey, it's true." He says as I turn into a fit of laughter. His lip plumbs forward, giving me a slight pout. I clear my throat to stop from laughing. I guess I shouldn't be laughing since I can see numbers above his head.

"I'm sorry. I laugh at anything." I lie to make the hurt expression on his face go away. It does, and it forms into a smile.

"I guess it is a little crazy." He admits. I shrug my shoulders.

"Any things possible." I say, referring to how no matter who passes by they all have red numbers above their heads. Him and I stay silent. He awkwardly begins looking around but doesn't move away from me. My mind tries to come up with anything I can do to prevent him from walking away or going home. He makes no attempts to break away from me, so I quickly come up with a lie. "Umm, so... My mum has been handering me to get outside more and actually socialize with people since I have no friends because all I do is sit in my room on tumblr till 5 in the morning." I begin. He smiles a little, looking intrigued.

"Relatable. I'm almost 20 and my parents are still trying to get me out the house to socialize more. All my friends are online." He says. Sounds like me in a few years.

"Alright, so since we both need to begin socializing more and make actual real life friends." I pause to stick out my hand for him to shake. "Hi, my name is Dan."

"Hi, I'm Phil." Phil greets himself, taking my hand and shaking it. Phil. Someone who looks so harmless and full of positivity. 19, almost 20. He's so young yet according to the numbers he's supposed to die within 2 hours. What could possibly be the reason to end his life, and what do I need to do to be able to save him.

Saving me || Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now