Kindness in life

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Phil and I walk down the street together. I keep an eye on anything that looks like it could possibly kill him. Vehicles, people, hanging items from balconies, exposed wires, anything that could end a persons life. Once you begin analyzing the world around you, you really get a look on how dangerous your surroundings really are. Luckily he still has time so I shouldn't be too worried yet.

"We should head into a cafe." I suggest to get him off the streets. He smiles and nods his head and we choose the nearest Starbucks. We both order some drinks before finding a place to sit down. I scan the room to see which spit looks the safest. Near the window would be a terrible idea, and near the door anything could happen if some one came in. "Umm, lets sit over in the corner there." I point at two seats in the far back corner. Phil nods his head and we walk over to that location. Once we sit down I swing my head underneath the table to look for anything that could potentially harm him.

"Did you drop something?" Phil asks me. I lift my head up and end up banging it against the table.

"Ow shit." I say from the instant pain driven to the back of my skull. I make sure that there is no table above me this time and actually bring my head up.

"Are you okay?" Phil asks as I bring my hand up to hold the throbbing pain.

"Yeah you know, just me being the fuck up I'm known for." I say as I rub the spot I hit.

"Oh trust me Dan. I'm so terribly clumsy I'm surprised I haven't lost a limb or anything yet." He comments.

"You are that clumsy you could have lost your arm or leg?" I ask. Phil nods his head. Great, not only do I have to look out for anything that could come flying our way and end his life, but now I have to watch out for his clumsiness as well.

I shake that part away for now and look to change the subject. He still has just under 2 hours, he should be fine for now.

"So Phil. Did you have any plans for the night?" I ask him once the pain is gone and I'm able to think clearly again.

"Umm, not that I know of. Probably was just going to go home and watch some anime as I shove my face with popcorn." He says. Sounds like my typically evening. I sit up when I realize he mentioned anime.

"You watch anime?" I ask, hoping to be able to bring up a certain anime that has creatures who if you agree to their deal give you their special eyes that let you see the life span of someone. Of course that's not how inquired my almost shinagami like eyes but it's similar to what is happening to me and could keeps us talking for a while. Hopefully long enough before he has to go or my mum tracks me down and grounds me for life.

"Yeah. I'm not a huge anime fan but I have seen a lot and really like it." He says.

"Have you seen deathnote?" I ask. He nods his head.

"Yes. It was probably the one that got me into anime in the first place. Well, besides Pokémon." He says. I smile for a second.

"That goes the same for me as well. I always thought I looked a little like Light." I compare. Phil tilts his head and analyzes my face.

"Wow. You do. Maybe you are the real life Kira." He says before his eyes widen in an exaggerated way. "And this time you have gone with the deal with a shinagami and are using it to find out my last name to kill me." He adds as he covers the top of his head with his hands. I laugh and shake my head. He isn't far off though. I didn't make a deal with a shinagami and can't see his name, but I can however see his lifespan. Maybe he is physic.

"Maybe I would use the deal for good." I say. He uncovers his head and looks at me.

"How so?"

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