Two Months

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Two month later

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"HAPPY TWO MONTH ANNIVERSARY BABE" opps, I forgot he was a day before me in korea and it was 1 o'clock in the morning...oh well.

My best friend and his best friend kept talking and she has been dropping hints on what Bobby was going to give to me for our 2 month anniversary, I was excited but nervous he wouldn't remember. 


Crap, I forgot I have school. Ugh, now all I will think about is bobby. 

As soon as I get to school I spot my best friend and start talking to her when all of a sudden I blurt out;

"Today is me and Jacob's 2 month mark" Jacob is a codename me and my best friend made for bobby. She looks at me with wide eyes uh oh. 


" is" I look down trying to hide my teary eyes. It's been exactly 2 weeks since bobby has last talked to me.

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*Mika's Best friend pov*

I saw that Mika was trying to hide her face. Oh no, I forgot Bobby hasn't talked to her for awhile. He has been talking to me about her surprise for their 2 month mark, but it might not end up working out because Bobby heard Hanbin talking to Jinhwan about Mika and how he is "deeply in love with her". I feel bad for Bobby, but he knows that Mika only loves him. I hated seeing Mika this sad. ugh.

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*Mika's pov*

The day ended and I still felt like crap, so I looked at my phone with hope but nothing. So, I went home, and once I got home I see a text from Bobby. My heart was fluttering. I quickly open it and it this long ass paragraph about what happened and how everything will go back to normal and how he loves me. It feels good, now I know he cares and he remembered. There was a part of the paragraph that said his plan was to come to my house in Hawaii today but it didn't end up working out because of stuff that happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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