The Fight

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The girl pulled me out of the stall.

"We have got to get out of here," she said with a wink. Everything was moving so fast, and I missed having her body pressed against mine. One thing was for sure, no more crying. I had to show I was tough, worthy of her presence.

"There is no way out!" She said frustratedly.

"There are no windows, nothing." I finished. We stared at the floor glumly for a while, trying to think of a way to escape.

"There is only one thing we can do- confront Barrie and finish this thing," I said confidently. The girl nodded

"I suppose we must," she said in agreement, nodding her head as if to persuade herself.

She stretched out her hand, waiting for me to take it.

I took it without thinking. Her hand was amazingly soft and felt perfect in mine.

I felt so strong and confident, like there was nothing. I couldn't do with her by my side.

I gave it a squeeze and winked at her.

"We can do this," I stated, "we don't need to be scared," and then I pulled her out the door of the bathroom, into the crowded restaurant.

The first thing I saw was Barrie shoot up from his seat, he had just finished wiping soup from his face. I tried to pull the girl to the exit of the restaurant, we slowly made our way there as Barrie tried to catch up to us from across the restaurant. The girl kept looking behind her and cowering with fear. She looked so scared it broke my heart. I reached for the door with the girl still holding my hand, trailing a little behind. Finally, we made it. I grabbed the handle and yanked on it, but before I could pull the girl to her safety, Barrie reached us. He snatched the girl's other hand as she anxiously tried to swat him away, but it was no use. She screamed as he punched her with all his might, right in the eye. I was furious. Barrie would pay.

He suddenly pushed us, muttering something about "taking this outside." I was more angry than afraid.

Both me and the girl fell to the ground after his hefty push, she on top of me. I wiggled out from underneath her just before Barrie pounced. He was straddling her, and beating her for all he was worth.

I felt so useless, I was a little girl, how was I to take down this huge man? I searched for anything to use as a weapon. Finally, I just kicked him in the head with all my might. Thank god I wore heels.

Well Barrie didn't see that coming. He groaned in pain, holding the spot on his neck where my heel had sunk into his flesh. Without another thought, I pounced, and I did not hold back.

I beat his face in. All the struggles he had caused me, all the pain, suppressed for 11 years let out by the repeated movement of my fists, smashing his face in. It was quite therapeutic.

But Barrie surprised me as much as I did him, giving me a swift knee to the back. I had the wind knocked out of me, and held my collapsing chest as it sobbed for air. Suddenly Barrie was up, and holding me by my hair. I shrieked in agony.

"Tonight, we can finish the business we started 11 years ago," he said evilly. He pinned me to the wall, smashing his lips against mine, I grimaced as he stuffed his slimy tongue down my throat.

"No, you won't, you mother fucker," came the voice of the girl. She was holding a gun to Barrie's sweaty head. Barrie backed off immediately.


He dropped to the ground without a thought. She squinted for a moment, aiming, and pulled the trigger. He screamed as the bullet shot into his upper thigh.

"You are a disgusting excuse for a man," she said in disgust, "If you ever bother us again, I'll have your head."

She took my hand, and we left Barrie there, moaning on the ground.

She helped me into her car, and we drove off.

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