Chapter 8: Ex-Love Bug

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                                               Chapter 8: Ex-Love Bug

     I wake up to another beautiful day,the birds singing, the sun shining, my mom baking. I get ready for school and then I run to the kitchen. I say, "Smells like Pancakes! She smiles and puts a pancake on the table with a glass of orange juice. I eat the pancake as fast as I can, then I chug all the juice. She says, "Someone's in a hurry today." I grab my backpack and say, "Yup." I run to my room and get the mustache skateboard that Alex gave me.

      I run to my mom and say bye. She says, "Your phone!" I run to my room, again and grab my phone and run outside. I jump on my skateboard and start riding to school. I can't wait to see Alex.  My old friend, Braxton is behind me. Guess he took the long way to school to see me. He catches up to me and says, "Slow down girl!" I stop and he stops too. He moves his brown hair out of his face and says, "Why are you in a hurry?" I answer, "Just to see somebody.....why'd you take the long way to school?" He answers, "Just wanted to see how DD was doing." I answer, "DD is doing great."

     I start riding away, but Braxton blocks my way and says, "Where you going DD." I answer, "School....duh!" He says, "Wow. Don't be mean!" I reply, "Braxton, what is it?" He says, "What is what?" I say, "What do you want?" He says, "Nothing." I say, "You are acting weird today." He says, "No I'm not." I say, "Sure." I roll my arms and Braxton says, "Can we walk." I say, "Why?" He says, "My doctor says I should skateboard less." I wanted to say he's a liar! But that would be mean.

        I start to say, "Oka-" "I'm going to win you," he says interrupting me. He starts running and I run after him. Then I fell and scraped my knee. He turns around and drops his skull decorated skateboard and walks up to me, and helps me up. I brush myself off with my hands as Braxton says, "Cool skateboard." I grin and say, "Cool shirt." His shirt has a black skateboard and on top it says let’s Roll!!! 

     He smiles and then his phone goes off. He sings along with the song, I'm Sexy and I know it. I push him and he answers his phone. His eyes widen at some point, like something bad happened, when he says bye I say, "Who was that?" He picks up his skateboard and says, "My cousin." I say, "What happened?" He answers, "Ummm......he forgot his favorite shirt here. I simply answer, "Oh." We start walking and a few minutes later his phone starts ringing again. He frowns and ignores it. It stops and rings again, and again, and again. I finally say, "Answer the phone dude!" He says, “It’s nothing important." I give him an evil smirk and he says, "What are you thinking?" I say, "Answer the phone." He says, "No thanks." I start tickling him like crazy while he laughs and tells me to stop. I finally get the phone and answer it, because it's ringing, of course.

     I was about to say hello but Jade says, "Hey! Braxton stop DD from coming to school. She can't know anything!" I reply, "Too late!" I end the call before she answers and start riding my skateboard. I slip his phone in my pocket and try to get away from Braxton. He shouts, "No! No DD! You don't want to know what's happening!" I shout before I can't see him, "Yes I do!" I wonder what's happening, I think to myself.

     I stop to take a breath, but I see Braxton and start riding my skateboard again. I finally get to school as Braxton’s phone rings. I answer it to Jade saying, “Braxton, stop Danice from seeing Alex, now!” I end the call and run into the hallway. The principal saw me and told me to stop running. He wrote on a small paper and gave me a paper. I read it: Detention for Danice after school, she may return home 5:30pm. Parent guardian has to sign paper and return to office.

     I don’t say anything to the principal. I walk to my locker sadly, because I have detention just for running in the hallway! I didn’t notice the wet sign, so I fell. Great! Things can’t get any worse today! I stand up and see that right in front of me, is Alex…….kissing Tiffany! I stand there with my mouth wide open without anything to say. Alex looks like he actually likes kissing her! I quietly say, “Really.” I run away about to burst in tears. Alex shouts, “Wait! Da-“

      I look back to see what interrupted him. Of course, he started kissing Tiffany. I hate him so much! I hate both of them! Tiffany mouths the words: He’s mine. I give her a dirty look and she returns me one. I run off before I start crying. I don’t want her to see me like this. I open the door and look in the mirror. I’m a mess. My hair is fine, but my makeup is ruined. I wash off the makeup and look in the stall with the donkey I drew. It was crossed off and beside it said: Tiffany + Alex=Dating! Danice + Alex=A Joke! I’m talking to you DD!

      I can just imagine Tiffany smiling at me. I hate her. I walk to my class slowly. I don’t care running into Alex or Tiffany. I am just so mad! I am about to blow! I hear Alex say, “Danice, wait!” I turn around and say, “What.” He says, “It’s not what it looks like.” I am so mad. I can’t take it anymore. I shout, “Then what is it! Can you explain that!” He answers, “Well Tiffany c-“ I interrupt him by saying, “Tiffany what? She came up to you and said you want a kiss, and you accepted it. That’s what it looks like. Don’t say it isn’t because that’s what it is!” I look down at my arm and see myself holding the skateboard he gave me. I say looking at where he wrote, “I’m still mad at you!”

      I throw the skateboard in his chest. He falls o the ground and I say, “I never want to talk to you in my life. Go away and make out with your girlfriend, and that’s not me.” He was about to say something but I say, “Just shut up Alex! You’re just another stupid player that thinks he can go off and charm any girl and then break their heart! I’m not your toy! Leave me alone.” I walk away before doing something stupid, like crying. I am not shedding a tear for him, even though I love him. That will never change, ever. But I will try to change it.

      I was lost in my thoughts when I bump into Braxton. He says, “You okay DD.” I look down at his blue converse and say, “No.” All I see is his blue converse and jeans moving towards me for a hug. I put my head on his shoulder and say, “I thought it was true….I’m a fool. I should have known it was too good to be true.” Braxton says, “I feel you sister. It happened to me before.” I look up at his green eyes and say, “You’re a great friend.”  He smiles and say, “You too.”

     He closes up to my face and I do too. What’s happening? What, is…..happening? I whisper, “This won’t work.” He whispers, “I’ll make it work.” Then it happens. He kisses me. His lips are warm and I don’t want to stop kissing, but we get interrupted by Alex saying, “What is this?” We turn around and see Alex with a confused face. Tiffany walks up to Alex and says, “I told you she just wanted to break your heart.” Alex responds, “I should have known.” I start kissing Braxton and he doesn’t care, he kisses me back. I hate Alex and Tiffany, I’m just doing this to make him jealous. I hate playing with Braxton’s feelings.

      I hear Alex say, “Let’s go…..Tiffany!” She says, “Okay love bug!” He says, “Don’t call me that.” She says, “Okay love bug.” I hate them. Braxton stops and says, “You don’t like me do you?” I reply, “No, sorry.” He says, “I’ll win your heart.” I smile, even though I know its war between me and Tiffany…..and sadly, war between Alex too. I’m going to win!

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