Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Prying Eyes

"We will pick you boys up at 3:30. Don't be late," Vector snapped before stomping on the accelerator, sending it to the ground and the car rushed away, leaving the two boys in front of the amusement park.

The grand park stood atop a grassy mound, surrounded on two sides by a luscious park filled with exotic plant species and greenery as far as the eye could see. A paved road ran around to the east of the park and the great Mobian Ocean and the white, sandy beach lay to the south. The two boys stood at the entrance of the park, which was shaped like a large mouth of somebody by the name of Egg man. The entrance opened up to be the shape of his mouth, teeth lining the roof of the tunnel entrance. A large, wooden, orange structure jutted out to either side of the entrance to symbolize a flowing moustache, with the words 'Twinkle Park' etched on either side.

A large, eggshell white wooden coaster had been constructed around the park, acting as a kind of wall to the circular park inside, shielding the other attractions. Lights ran through the whole park, of all the different colours of the rainbow. It ranged from reds and blues to indigos and violets. Green and Pink flushed with orange. The whole park seemed to be out of a 6 year olds Christmas dream, but much, much more fun.

"Where to first, buddy?" Sonic asked, turning to look at his fox friend.

"What about that ride?" Tails pointed to a large ship like ride. Two, slime green dragon heads jutted out at either side of the boat and it rocked from side to side, shooting up many meters in the air.

Sonic nodded enthusiastically, grabbing Tails' gloved hand and sprinted over to the hawk behind the booth. Sonic and Tails flashed their orange wrist bands, signaling that they could enter the ride and took the seats at the far side of the boat.

Some quick turnings of cogs occurred as the hawk pulled down a lever in his work station and the boat roared off, swinging from side to side, progressively getting higher and higher. As the ride got higher and higher, Tails began to get more and more scared. He gulped down his fear, not wanting to show any sign of weakness to his friend. However, when the ship got to the top of its final ark, Tails let out a shriek of terror, closing his eyes tightly. Fear gripped him and dread filled his insides completely.

He had made a horrible mistake to choose this ride. He wasn't nearly brave enough. This was Sonic's thing, not his. Suddenly, the fear began to drain away as he felt something warm grab his hand. He slowly opened an eye and looked down at his hand. It was cupped tightly in Sonic's. He raised his head to look at Sonic's shimmering emerald eyes, filled with excitement and adventure. He winked, laughing as the ride began to slow down to a stop.

"Thanks, Sonic," Tails managed to say after they walked around the park in silence for a bit.

"No problem, buddy. Like I said, I'm always here for you." He smiled again and Tails had to look away to avoid the crimson colour that began washing over his muzzle. "How about we try the ghost train next?"

"Won't that be too scary?" Tails asked, nervous to try the ride.

"I can hug you all the way through to keep you safe?" Sonic mused seductively yet playfully, hastening over to the long, twisting line out the front.

"Sonic, you know we can't do that in public." Sonic laughed at Tails' response before explaining himself.

"It's dark the whole ride and we are inside, where nobody can see." This was enough to convince the young kit, who happily shuffled into the two man car ride before it shot off into the dark. As soon as they were out of sight, Tails felt the bony arm of Sonic fall on his shoulders, gripping around him. Tails leant to his right, snuggling under Sonic's arms and wrapping his around the cobalt hedgehog's waist. Sonic place his other hand around the fox, shielding him from the shrieks and screams of the ghostly figures that attempted to scare the riders for protection.

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