Windy Breezes

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Looking down at the curled up ball of chocolate fur buried deep inside your lap, you grazed their fur lightly with the tip of your fingers in a hypnotic rhythm down your Eevee's head, leading down their back, and lightly over their tail, before repeating the whole process once again. Your Eevee was making a quiet noise that was similar to purring, except slightly higher pitched. He nuzzled into your other hand, silently commanding it to pet him. He was a little pushy at times, but you loved him.
Though there is one problem with your current situation at hand. Your Eevee, Blake, was putting a good amount of pressure on your right leg, causing it to go uncomfortably numb. You could barely curl your toes at that point, only your big toe slightly bending as your leg shoots you with the cactus pin prick pain spikes you knew so well. Ppps for short. As you kept thinking and screaming internally about the pain in your leg, your hand's pace started to stutter, losing it's hypnotic effect.
Blake opened his eyes, scowling at you with disappointed half lidded eyes. Sounding like a spoiled child, he said, "What caused you to stop??" before standing up and jumping calmly off your lap. After a few seconds, the static pain and cactus ppps went away. You sighed in relief.
Inspecting the couch, you casually said "You were making my leg go numb again"
"Oh...Well you could've at least told me."
You rolled your eyes "But I didn't, so don't act like I knew that." Quickly, Blake jumped off of the velvet couch, walking out of the little pokemon door your mother installed for her Salandit. Her Salandit wore a blue violet collar with a little circular silver center that shines in the light, and everyone in the area knew that. That meaning she never got lost, or got away with her troublesome pranks.
Standing up and letting the blood flow down to your toes, you walked calmly after Blake with the slight static feeling disappearing from your leg. Opening the door, you walked out, it slamming loudly behind you from the strong breeze that glided past you to nowhere in particular. It was a nice breeze, after all, it was rather hot where you lived. You had just moved from the Kalos region with your mother and father, since your father got relocated due to his job, dragging you and your mother along with him. You didn't mind though. Your dad was awesome afterall, and spent as much time as he could when he wasn't busy with work. This was the last time you'd be moving for his job, as confirmed by his company. That's a relief.
You didn't make any friends at Kalos anyways in the first place. A kid caught you talking to your Pokemon, and thought you were some sort of magical being. Sure it was normal to talk to Blake, but you did it so much that it rubbed off as weird to other people if it was anything past "Did you like the meal" or the "Good job!!" Type of things. You don't know what happened but that rumor spread around, and people started to twist and turn it, squeezing out lies that could hardly be traced back to the first rumor. Things like "She tortures pokemon!!" To "She captured a legendary Pokemon!!".
In the end people would either fear you or would be disgusted by you. You weren't the most confident of people, and you hadn't stuck up for yourself at the time. You didn't want to even bother, what would be the point of it anyways?? Even if you would've made a friend you'd just move half a year later.
Speaking of Kalos, as a matter of fact, that's where you met Blake and gained that weird "I understand Pokemon lawl" talent from, though you're still not sure how. When you caught Blake, it was actually quite dark out. You preferred to walk out in the evenings, but by the time you found Blake, the sun had set and the sky was peppered with stars. A few of those "all nighters" or "all I do is stand here and wait for a person to walk by so I can battle them and lose" people did try to fight you, but you ended up spraying a repel in their faces whenever they came near you. You had some issues when it came to people back then.
You had taken your father's Absol with you to keep you safe at the time. His name was Prince actually. He was a sweet little cinnamon roll. When you met Blake, he was actually quite injured. It was in a patch of yellow flowers, where he later sprawled to the side with the lower half of his body emerged in the flowers. You thought he was sleeping, until you noticed their sickly facial expression. Their eyes were shut tight, as if they were a child that was going through a nightmare. A horrid one at that.
(Not gonna do too much detail because ya know)
(edit: I lied)
His right leg was mangled, as evident by the red that caked around his leg. He was dusted with dirt, and a few spades of grass stuck to anywhere his blood matted fur stuck onto. He looked as though he was attacked by a stronger Pokemon, and a poison type as evident by the purple glints of liquid that were hardly noticeable in the cavities of the teeth marks. The amount of teeth markings made it clear that they were bitten at least three times, once on the neck but more noticeably on his leg. At least you assumed it was a he since most Eevee's are males. It was like they were a piece of chewing gum for whatever attacked them.
(okay I sort of went into detail, my apologies)
If it wasn't for the quiet raspy and dry breaths, you would've assumed the poor Eevee was dead. When you heard them, you quickly but gently lifted the Eevee into your arms, Prince getting a head start towards the Pokemon center. You sprinted on your tippy toes, despite how much it made your feet ache, as to prevent from bouncing too much and harming the Eevee. Absol was already waiting for you, since they had alerted the Nurse about your arrival through frantic noises
When you had finally got there, the Eevee was sent to the emergency room immediately. You were stuck there for around 5 hours, and you had ended up falling asleep. Strangely enough, you had had a strange dream during that cat nap. Though the dream itself wasn't that interesting, it had a strange...side effect, to say the least.
When you were woken up by your father's Absol, instead of hearing the normal repeating yells of his own name, you heard actual English. "Wake up you idiot, dammit!" When you heard that you had two questions on your mind.
1.) Am I still dreaming?
2.) So are they a cinnamon roll dipped in salt now?
You had saved your questions for later though, since Nurse Joy had came out with a sleeping bandaged up Eevee in her arms. When she handed them off to you, she gave you a few recommendations and facts. The fact was that they were a male, and that they were still a child. The recommendations were to keep them with you, and eventually catch them if you could. She said to keep them out of a pokéball until they were at least comfortable with you however.
In the end, it all worked out. You named the Eevee Blake, and you two became good friends. He was a little greedy at times like today, but in the end he loved you. Now you just had to find where he ran off to...

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