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"It was incredibly sweet." Hazel gushed. "Frank knows I've never been one for big public things, so when he asked, it was just us two. We were out for a late night drive, not going anywhere in particular when he pulled over into this field, so we got out. Apparently there was a meteor shower, but it was so cloudy we couldn't even see the moon. There was music still playing from the car so we started dancing and that's when he asked. It was perfect." Hazel's eyes were dreamy and a content smile graced her face.

"Sounds lame." Nico smiled, finishing up his coffee.

"Whatever. You're just jealous that nobody has swept you off your feet yet. Just you wait, the right person will come around, and you will be so incredibly whipped."

He rolled his eyes. "Who says I won't be the one doing the sweeping?"

"Yeah, right." Hazel scoffed. "Remember that time we had that really attractive server, and you said you were mute because you panicked?"

"Shut up." Nico blushed, crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out at his sister. "That was ages ago. It's not like you haven't done anything incredibly stupid."

"Like what?" She challenged, raising her brow.

"Like, umm..." Nico couldn't think of a single thing. "Shut up." He said once more, sulking. Hazel just laughed. "I need to head back, Naomi will be here in a couple hours and I need to make sure the flat isn't a mess."

"What time is grad?" They stood up and threw away their trash, walking to the door.

"Two. See you." Nico waved as Hazel got in her car and Nico walked through the park to get back home. When he opened the front door to the flat, it looked like they had been robbed, and a burning stench reached his nose. It was coming from the kitchen. "William whatever your middle name is Solace, if you are trying to cook or bake or frankly do anything in that kitchen I will not hesitate to ban you for life." Nico called, stepping around the mess of shoes and stuff laying on the floor in the entrance.

"Well I wasn't sure what time you had been home, and cookies are really easy to make, and seeing how we were out and we are having company I just thought that I would help out, but I sort of kind of left the cookies in too long, and I think I might have sort of forgotten an ingredient or two somewhere along the way, because besides the whole blackened to a crisp thing, they don't exactly look like they came out right." Will said in a single breath of air, and Nico just shook in head in disbelief. "But you can fix them, right?" He smiled hopefully.

"Go start tidying, I'll make a new batch. These," he gestured to the charred remains placed on the cooling racks on the counter "are nowhere near salvageable."


"What?" Nico scrunched his face in confusion.

"My middle name. It's William Apollo Solace. My mom was going through a mythology phase, and taking course at the university and everything. I got stuck with the Greek god of the sun. Rory's is Artemis-Athena, she was feeling indecisive."

"Aurora Artemis Athena Solace. No wonder you guys just call her Rory." Nico laughed, and Will headed to the living room to open some windows to let out the smell of burnt cookies.

Within half an hour he had the new batch made, in the oven, and the kitchen cleaned. It looked like Will had made the rest of the apartment even worse, if that was at all possible. "What's going on?" Nico stepped over the pillows on the floor to reach him.

Will was sitting on the couch, arms braced beside him and he was breathing heavily. "Nothing, it's fine. I'll finish up, you can go do what you need to."

Flatmates - Solangelo AUWhere stories live. Discover now