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Caitlin is at home, trying to sleep, but all she could think about was how Barry said she was in love with her. She then walked down stairs to get sleeping pills. She popped them in her mouth and drank a glass of water swallowing them, and going back to bed.

Barry is at his House. He hears a knock on the door. He looks out his window and sees that its Jake.
Barry: "What are you doing here?"
Jake: "I came to talk."
Barry: "About?"
Jake: "Ronnie."
Barry then leaves his door open letting Jake walk in while he walks into his dining room.
Jake: "What is going on between you guys, I heard you to got into a fight."
Barry: "Uh, yeah it's complicated."
Jake: "I'm listening."
Barry: "You know a girl named Caitlin Snow?"
Jake: "Yeah, have since 8th grade."
Barry: "Wait what?"
Jake: "She was in my Science class and was my lab partner the 2nd semester."
Barry: "I thought you forget people easily."
Jake: "I do...but then Ronnie told me he liked her freshman year."
Barry got upset
Barry: "What?! And how was I the last to know this?! You both could have told me!"
Jake: "Dude I'm sorry I thought you-"
Barry: "No I didn't know Jake! I thought we were all best friends!"
Jake: "Barry you need to calm down."
Barry then got to angry and his face was bright red.
Jake: "Barry look at your self!"
Barry: "This all could have been okay! You two coulda told me and I wouldn't have liked Caitlin!"
Jake then was shocked
Jake: "...D-Dude Caitlin??! But she's like uncool."
Barry: "Yeah well she's more to me than that now and it's all yours and Ronnies fault."
Jake: "But Barry-"
Barry: "...get out of my house Jake."
Jake: "Barry I-"
Barry then throws a glass down on the floor.
Jake walks out of his house frightened by how Barry was acting. He had never seen this side of Barry.

Next day of school it was just ordinary. Ronnie and Barry never sit in class with eachother or at lunch. Barry sat outside each day alone. Ronnie missed his best friend and wanted to apologize, but every time he did Barry would walk straight off. Barry didn't talk to anyone. Not even Caitlin. A week passed by. It was raining so Barry couldn't go outside. He had to stay in the cafeteria and eat. When he walked in the cafeteria he saw Ronnie and Caitlin. They were both sitting together, smiling and laughing. They both saw Barry and had worried faces on their looks. Barry then started walking to a table no one ever sits at and begins eating his food. Ronnie and Caitlin walk up to him.
Ronnie: "Barry I want you to know how-"
Barry: "Ronnie do me a favor. Walk your girl friend back to your table and leave me alone."
Ronnie then walks away with his head down sad. He regretted everything he did to Barry. Caitlin didn't follow Ronnie and sat at Barry's table.
Caitlin: "Barry you're a wreck."
Barry: "Gee Thanks I guess.."
Caitlin then sits right beside him and holds his hand.
Caitlin: "Please tell me why you're acting like this."
Barry: "Because I know now that I don't have a future with the girl I love."
Caitlin: "The girl you love wouldn't accept you like this though."
Barry: "Then maybe she should break up with her lousy boyfriend."
Barry then gets up and walks away.

Caitlin finally knew her choice. She had feelings for Ronnie but her feelings for Barry were much stronger. Caitlin was upset it had to come to this but she couldn't lie.

School ends and Caitlin is sitting with Ronnie at the benches. She sees Barry on the track practicing for his relay Friday. Barry sees her and has no emotion on his face. She's looks down nervously with her heart skipping a beat.
Caitlin: "Ronnie..I can't do this."
Ronnie: "Do what?"
Caitlin: "Us..."
Ronnie then looks down looking at as pants.
Ronnie: "Its Barry isn't it."
Caitlin: "I-I didn't want it to be this way but."
Ronnie: "Caitlin it's okay i understand. I hope he treats you right."
Ronnie then gets up and kisses Caitlin on the cheek and leaves.
Caitlin then starts bursting into tears knowing she broke his heart. She felt so much guilt inside her. But now she can confess her feelings to Barry.

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