Why did it come to this

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Barry and Felicity arrive at the party together. Iris, Abigail, and Caitlin walk up to them.
Iris: "Hey guys! Glad you decided to show up."
Barry: "Well I couldn't exactly say no."
Felicity: "Yeah he is really hard to get out of bed."
Abigail: "That's sweet you came with her."
Barry: "Well it's hard to separate us she's the one that loves me the way I am."
He looks at Caitlin.
Caitlin: "...I need a drink."
Caitlin walks off. Iris and Abigail follow her. Caitlin grabs a cup and starts pouring in an alcoholic drink. She drinks it all in one sip and repeats in 2x.
Abigail: "Woah Caitlin slow down!"
Caitlin: "I need this, did you see the way he gave me that look?!"
Iris: "Yeah but that's going to make you forget all the crazy stuff you did today."
Caitlin: "Yeah well too late."
Caitlin drinks her last sip and walks away.

30 minutes later...

Felicity: "Oh dear..."
Barry: "What is it?"
Felicity: "Caitlin."
Felicity points to Caitlin. Him and her both see Caitlin on the dance floor dancing like some stripper.
Barry: "Um I'm going to try to..cool her down you stay here."
Felicity: "Okay."
Barry walks over to Iris.
Barry: "Is it cool if I try to put Caitlin in your bed to sleep."
Iris: "Be my guest because I have already tried."
Barry: "Cool."
Barry walks over to Caitlin grabbing her hand dragging her out of the crowd.
Caitlin: "Woah!! Calm yourself Barry Allen mama don't give her self to just anyone."
Barry: "Hm so this is what drunk Caitlin is like...oh dear."
Caitlin snatches her hand away from him and runs to Iris's Karaoke stand.
Caitlin: "Everyone let's hear it for Mr. Barry Allen!!!"
Barry: "Oh god."
The whole crowd then starts chanting Barry's name. Barry ran up there to Caitlin.
Caitlin: "Look at him! He's so fast whoosh!!"
Barry: "Your not much off a singer-and your not much off a drinker."
Caitlin: "We are going to bring this place down."
The music starts play "Summer Nights."  Caitlin was a really bad singer but Barry was like an Angel that just woke up.
The song ends and Barry grabs Caitlin's hand and brings her to Iris's room to rest. Caitlin sits on Iris's bed turning the opposite way from Barry.
Caitlin: "...I'm not tired."
Barry: "Cait your friends told me you drank A LOT so you need your rest."
Caitlin: "Why don't you love me Barry?"
Barry's face turns dark red.
Barry: "What are you talking about Caitlin?"
Caitlin: "That thing... I was going to tell you... that I had been thinking about you- a lot."
Barry: "Thinking about me?"
Barry sits on the other side of her.
Caitlin: "Barry, I'm in love with you...and I have been ever since."
Barry's face was lit up. He had forgotten everything about Felicity. He holds Caitlin's hand.
Barry: "I still love you Caitlin. And I always have."
Caitlin leaned in and kissed Barry. He didn't pull away. They had both forgotten where they were and started making out.
10 minutes past...
Felicity walks up to Iris.
Felicity: "Have you seen Barry?"
Iris: "No I haven't but hey while we are still here I need to know something."
Felicity: "What is it?"
Iris: "How does Barry make you feel?"
Felicity: "Well it's been a week since we started dating and I already feel like I know so much about him. He shares his personal feelings with me and it makes me feel so happy to have him. Honestly I'm happy that he is my first boyfriend. I hope someday he will be in my life and we will still be together. I love him. A lot."
Iris: "Wow that's really deep.. um I don't know where he is but we can maybe join the party and talk about boys later."
Felicity: "Okay I would like that."
Felicity and Iris join the crowd.

After about 20 minutes Barry and Caitlin were still making out. Barry felt so happy to have the girl he had always wanted. He then remembered about Felicity. Caitlin was on top of him so he had to push her away for a moment.
Barry: "Wait but I'm with Felicity."
Caitlin: "Screw her everything I've done for her she's never done anything nice for me."
Caitlin starts kissing him again. Barry pulls away again.
Barry: "But it's wrong for me to cheat on her and make out with you."
Caitlin: "Well your already making out with me."
Barry: "Point taken."
Caitlin starts kissing him again. One part of Barry felt happy this was happening the other part felt it was wrong to not talk to his girlfriend and break up with her. Barry pulls away.
Barry: "Cait I need to break up with her if you want us to be together."
Caitlin: "Then what's stopping you."
Barry: "Number one you you're on top of me, number two I can't break her heart today it doesn't feel like the right time."
Caitlin: "Barry do you love her also?"
Barry: "She's my girlfriend Caitlin."
Caitlin: "So that's a yes."
Barry: "No I just don't feel the way about her I feel with you."
Caitlin: "I don't really give a crap right now all I'm wondering if why we are still talking and not making out."
Caitlin starts kissing him.

47 minutes later...
Felicity: "I think Barry probably went home."
Iris: "Okay I'll go upstairs and get my keys and drive you back to your house."
Iris then walks upstairs to her room. Barry hears her and starts super speeding putting different clothes on Caitlin and tucking her in.
Barry: "Act like your asleep."
Caitlin then sleeps.
Iris opens the door.
Iris: "Oh! Barry?! Felicity has been looking for you."
Barry: "Yeah sorry I just had to stay until Caitlin finally fell asleep I'll go down stairs now."
Barry hated lying but it would only make things worse if he told the truth.
Felicity: "There you are! Where have you been?"
Barry "(Making out with Caitlin behind your back) I was trying to put Caitlin asleep."
Felicity: "Oh well now that, that's done can you drive me home?"
Barry: "Yeah sure."
Barry drives Felicity to her house and walks with her to her door.
Felicity: "I had fun."
Barry: "Me too (because I kissed Caitlin)."
Felicity then kisses Barry. She doesn't seem to pull away from him. Barry tried not to make it obvious trying to pull away but couldn't because she had her arms locked in on his neck. Then Barry realized Felicity was trying to make out with him. He didn't happen to pull away. And she dragged him in her house on the couch. Barry still couldn't believe that both Felicity and Caitlin made out with him. It felt wrong but it felt so right.
To be Continued...

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