Strawberry gashes all over

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This one is dedicated to horror-love-stories

I had finally gotten done with the kitchen when Luda mae came back to the house with a group of teens along with Hoyt. I looked at them with curiosity there were three guys and two girls, all were in summer clothes soaked in sweat from the heat. "Clara come here please." "Yes mam," I made my way over to her in front of the teens, I could feel there eyes on me as well as the Hewitts. "Clara go get Thomas please while I get some tea ready." I smiled and nodded then left for the door feeling eyes watching me as I left. I went out towards the fields going under the fencing, I walked through the tall blades of grass coming up to my hips caressing me as I flowed through. "THOMAS!!!" My voice carried through the empty plane. I felt slightly nervous here and quickened my pace pushing through the grass."THOMAS!" I   slightly heard screams in the wind, face paling I busted into a full out run feet pounding into the grass swallowing my legs. I heard it again and ran faster "THOMAS!!!!" I glanced back for a split second and my legs got twisted into the grass, I tugged at them and soon got free. I ran, I'm sure I imagined the screams but something odd was in the air and I needed to find Thomas.My breathing was labored and it was only getting hotter, I stopped bending my head to my knees catching my breath. Finally, I took a deep breath and stood up fully "THOM-" my eyes tripled in sized as I saw all 6'3 and 300 pounds of Thomas looming over me, my voice went from a scream to a squeak.  He lifted a massive hand and placed it on the side of my face, his hands could easily crush my skull in but despite the appearance, he gently pushed the strands of pale hair that had stuck to my forehead away not causing a glimmer of harm. I peered up at his face, it was shadowed from the light but still visible, for a moment I forgot. I stood on tip toes and moved closer, I had to see, my fingers tiny in comparison pushed away the thick chocolate strands and met his eyes. They were a deep expressive brown with a hint of honey color, swirling with emotion a lot of pain and loneliness buried under a wall of obvious shy nature and fear of letting anyone in. From what I could see of his face he was handsome, the only thing that distracted it was the mask. remembering what was going on I dropped back to my normal height. "Luda mae told me to get you, ya'll or I mean we have guests, three guys and two girls a bit younger than us." He nodded. I turned to go back to the house but the ground floated away from my feet and I was suddenly sitting in a high place. I looked down to see Thomas had sat me on his shoulder and now had one arm wrapped protectively around my lap to keep me in place.  He walked quickly to the house that in no time we were there. He sat me down on the porch and then turned to me. I gave him a questioning look, he motined his hands for me to stay there and to be quiet. I nodded and waited on the front porch as Thomas went inside I heard some muffled voices and then footsteps. Luda mae came out of the house and gave me a kind smile. "Clara dear would you mind running to the gas station we met at and go grab some gas?" I blinked but then hesitently said. "Ok?" She then handed me some gas cans and money. "There you go" I pulled out my keys and got into my car. As I backed out of the drive I got a bad feeling about this. I quickly filled the cans not liking the strangeness of the situation. I rushed back to the house and all was still. I didn't like this one bit and pulled out the pocket knife I kept in my glovebox. I got out of the car gripping the knife but keeping it from veiw. Suddenly one of the girls from before tackled me down and grabbed my hair. "OW! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled. I struggeld under her trying to get my hair out of her fist." TAKING YOU HOSTAGE TO GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM YOU MURDERUS FREAKS!!" She spat. I was roughly lifted and I saw Thomas come running around the corner with a huge chainsaw. He was about to come closer but saw the girl had me by the hair. "COME NEAR ME AND THIS BITCH GETS IT!" I could feel her body shaking and Thomas looked torn. I smiled maliciously and took the knife I had and qucikly stabbed the girl in the throat. By now Luda mae and hoyet were with Thomas and saw this.  Blood splattered on my dress turning places pink and red. The girl fell to the ground gasping as I pulled out the knife and licked the blade. "Awww I'm sorry did that hurt?"  I asked in mock sympathy. She died and I couldn't help but let out a small giggle before kicking her out of my path. All was quie till Hoyet let out a loud laugh. "Shoot girl, you never meantioned you were a cold blooded killer. Here I thought you were nothin but a weakling but damn that was good! She never saw it coming!" Hoyet said coming up and patting my shoulder. "What can I say when your great uncle is a famous serial killer who will hunt you down and kill you, then you tend to know your way around a weapon." I replied. "Is that so? And who is your uncle?" Hoyet asked. I smirked. "Michael Myers." I got a shiver of fear down my spine as I said his name. "You mean the guy who killed his sister and father when he was six?" Hoyet asked. "Yep, ever since he escaped smithsgrove he has been out to finish the job. My mother was Jamie Lloyd, my brother and I are the last remaining family and the primary targets. I was seperated from my brother and was sent to live in Alabama when I was 3 and lived there ever since, but he found me on a trip with my friends and killed them all. I escaped and planned on living with some of my other adoptove family and hopefully he wouldnt find me as for my weakling act I find it better to be underestimated so its more unexpected when I need to show what I can do." I explianed. Hoyed grinned evily. "Thats pretty clever but I don't see a Lloyd anywhere just us Hewitts." I smiled and looked over at Thomas. He noticed my stare and fidgeted under my gaze. "Boy bring that heffer into the basement and take Clara with you." Thomas nodded and threw the dead girl over his shoulder and I proceeded to follow him into the house. 

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