Earth isn't a bad place after all(Free! Short Love Story)

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Based on Steven Universe and Free!

This story probably sucks, but whatever XP


Blue Lace Agate! Makoto x Sodalite! Haruka

 Makoto was an agate, someone who should be feared,someone who bullies the inferior gems,but he wasn't like that. Haruka was a sodalite,someone who lives and protects their diamonds and sapphires but he don't want to do that. Both was in Blue Diamond's Court, both knew each other since they pop from the ground and both fought in the rebellion. That was thousands and thousands of years ago; now they live together, completely away from humans and amalgam fusions.

~Present Day(Makoto's POV)

Living here on Earth is peaceful after the war. I look towards Haruka,his gem protruding out his chest, the royal blue gem glistens brightly in the moonlight. 

He stood up and walked away,maybe towards the ocean. He loves the ocean.  The ocean to him is like Homeworld to me,somewhere he deem free. I walks towards him and saw his reflection in the water, his eyes was like the water,free and full of life. 


"Yes Sodalite?", I replied sitting down next to him.

"Are you free?"

I look at him puzzled,"What do you mean?"

"I mean are you happy to be your own person. Free from being called a defective agate."

I sat quietly,"Yes I am. Do you miss homeworld?", I asked.

He looks at me,"Why do you ask?"

"Because...everyone left us. The Diamonds left us to corrupt or something even worse.", I turned away from him,unwilling to relinquish my tears on front of him. He puts his hand on my shoulder, "I do. I always miss them all. Tourmaline(Nagisa),Fluorite(Rei),Ruby(Rin),everyone including our Diamond."

Haruka pulls me into a hug and I squeeze back gently. I can't believe that I, Blue Lace AGATE, is being soft towards some lower class gem. No, I shouldn't think like that! 

"I'm glad that you are the gem who I'm stuck on Earth with.",he mumbled.

"I'm glad too.",I said squeezing him closer. I saw his gem glow and I knew mine was as well.

"I love you.",we mumbled to each other as we form into something new.

~Aquamarine's POV

I look into the water and smiled,"Maybe Earth isn't a bad place after all."

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