Chapter 6~ 'A possible Triplet?'

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Today had felt like any other day, except fouler maybe.

It was raining, there was school, & Brooklyn had to get up.

Groaning when the alarm went off, Brooklyn slammed her hand onto the snooze button and slept for what felt like a minute before her alarm went off again, signaling that she had better hurry up...

Getting her black shirt with rainbows & her purple chained skirt on, Brooklyn grabbed her Fairytail backpack & put on her purple boots, ready for another day at Sweet Amoris...

'Hey Brooke!!!', someone said. 'It's Brooklyn lady, and where are you?!' Brooklyn asked annoyed as she turned her head both ways. She was in the main hallway, but something was amiss. Students should've been running to their home rooms, Castiel should've been at his locker, giving her his daily smirk/scowl, Lysander at his side grinning. Nathaniel should've been chatting with Melody, Melody should've been looking up at him in admiration and affection, he not seeing it.

What is this shit?!, Brooklyn thought as she finally turned around, seeing some creepy blonde girl who looked the same age as her. 'Aww dang, you finally found me~

Shoot. Maybe I should've flown up to the ceiling? I can do that you know~', the blonde girl said smiling as she hovered over the ground. What the heck is this?, Brooklyn thought. 'Ah lady~


GIRL! Why is the hallway so empty and who the fuck are you?'

'Tsk tsk. What a potty-mouth you have.

I'm not telling you until you clean your mouth up'

'Won't happen, so just tell me~'

'Ugh fine! Stubborn kid.

Okay here's how this chapter plays out okay?

Some handsome boy, who is MINE, will appear to you asking for help alright?



Take those headphones out~', the girl said as she moved and ripped the headphones out of Brooklyn's ears, then taking a pair of scissors & cutting the wire. 'HEY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT YOU B~', Brooklyn was about to say, but the blonde chick covered the girls' mouth so she could finish. 'Okay so this handsome bo~

MAN will come to you, and you have to help him, no matter what. He's having girl troubles, probably because they're not right for eachother~', the girl said looking away, then back at Brooklyn all happy-like. 'Okay! And also, you may be able to do more than just pair those two up...

You MAY be able to pair another couple up.

Here!" the blonde chick said, shoving two tickets to Winged Skull into Brooklyn's hand.



Adios!' the blonde chick finished as she waved and faded away, while the students faded into existence...

I didn't even get her name. What the hell?!

As if that'll actually happen, Brooklyn thought smirking and walking down the hallway to her locker.


So far, none of what that blonde girl with the cape said had come true. Tapping her foot, Brooklyn walked out of class to get a sip of water, when suddenly a handsome black haired man appeared..

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