Chapter 10~ 'After Summer Craziness/Meeting the Wrong Way'

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Hey Guys! So i've just been editing this thing in the past few days, adding cute little manga pictures, and dedications along the way. I've edited from chapter 3 to here, and i'll continue editing tomorrow and Sunday I believe. Whether or not Chapter 18 comes out in that time? Who in the heck knows! XD Not me!
Anyhow, thank you for those who read this and please comment to tell me what you like and if you see any particular errors so I can fix 'em!


Back in Sweet Amoris already?, Brooklyn thought as she lay on her bed staring at her ceiling. Tomorrow she'd have to go back to that crazy school and deal with whatever craziness hid in the lurking shadows of Sweet Amoris High. Not to mention what happened on the beach..., Brooklyn thought as she turned her head to the side, trying to forget that amazing moment in the forest, and the weird ones in between.....


Grabbing her backpack, Brooklyn made her way out the door and towards the exit stairs in her copy Rosalya school outfit with her purple boots & Adventure Time backpack. I just want to get today over with so that I can come back home and play Kingdom Hearts, Brooklyn thought smiling as she got to the fourth floor of her apartment building and made her way down the rest of the steps. She didn't bother stopping to see her mother at the door, staring her down like some animal outside its cage.


'Well hey Brooklyn! Didn't think I’d see you so soon!!!~

I'm shocked you've come to school today!' Hal yelled out behind the purple haired girl as she swiveled around to stare at the blonde chick. She was wearing her same cape...but now with this weird golden gown that was moving weirdly above the sidewalk. Brooklyn wasn't one to notice things at first, but she noticed now that Hal actually never stepped foot on the ground from the time she first appeared to now. Narrowing her eyes in suspicion, Brooklyn looked up at Hal with a weird look.

'Oi! What's with that look! Don't give me that look!' Hal said pouting as she crossed her arms in patience.

 'Why don't you walk on the ground like a regular person?' the girl asked bluntly, making Hal blink and immediately start laughing, holding her stomach.

 'I don't see what's so funny~'.

 'AAHA! You wouldn't would you? Oh Brooklyn. You have so much to learn~' the blonde remarked, tears springing from her eyes from laughing so hard as she bent down to ruffle Brooklyn's short locks up.

'I don't give spoilers; so you'll have to figure it out on your own' Hal admitted crossing her arms and grinning as Brooklyn glared at her and tried walking away, but Hal grabbed Brooklyn's arm and spun her around.

'Now now impatient one, I came here to tell you info! Didn't you get that?

I only appear when something special is about to happen!!!'

'Why? Because you're a tool?' Brooklyn countered smugly, crossing her arms and grinning like Hal had been a minute ago; Hal now the one glaring.


At least I’m not in the box!~

Anyways, no. I came here to tell you to go get your exam marks smarty, for one. And for two, keep your eyes open and your ears vacant' the blonde warned frowning as she looked left and then right, as if she were worried about something.

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