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Snow crunched underneath the wolf's small paws as he treaded slowly past a tall tree. Its branches were bare, as if all of the leaves had been bitten off by the frost. The bitter cold stung his nose as he padded on. Suddenly, a rustle sounded from a bare bush. You cannot hide from me. The wolf licked his jaws as the thought of a meal wandered in his mind. His steps light as air, he stalked towards a scrawny rabbit, sitting next to a frosted over berry bush. The rabbit was unaware of the danger right behind itself. The golden-eyed wolf pounced, but the rabbit was faster. The wolf gave chase, bolting after the rabbit. The rabbit turned, but on ice which was previously a puddle of water. It slipped, giving the hungry wolf a chance to attack it. And it did. The wolf caught up and nipped the rabbits neck. He ate his meal, warmth washing over him. As he neared finishing it, there was an interruption. "Halt!" The gray wolf looked over his shoulder, and with one sniff he realized that he was on pack territory. Shock overwhelmed him. How could he be such a fool? Three strong wolves slowly stepped towards him. Their menacing eyes gleamed. Their shiny black pelts shone in the early sunlight. The chase began as the smaller wolf ran off in terror. The three chased after him. Hours seemed to pass for the smaller wolf. I can't keep this up much longer. . .  The three dark-pelted wolves gave mercy as the gray wolf leaped over the scent line. "I believed in you, Orbit. You're a born survivor," a gentle, motherly voice whispered in his ear. A smile grew across the gray wolf's face. "Thank you, mother," he whispered back.

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