chapter 9: approving the boyfriend

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*unedited so it contains lots of grammar mistakes*

My eyes caught Adrian's and panic washed over me. My little legs began to pick up pace and I started to run. "Adeline!" Adrian screamed and I spun my head to see him chasing me. "You are dead!" He threatened with pure venom in his voice.

Adrian is seriously about to murder me for being MIA for almost 3 weeks at work. He also messaged me and I kinda might have accidentally ignored him which, of course I feel bad about.

"Adeline" he called after me as his pace began to slow. I grinned like a child and stuck my tongue out teasing him about how lazy he was. Adrian might look fit physically but he could barely run down the stairs. I was too distracted to notice a figure standing in my way and ended up colliding with them. "ouch" I moan, rubbing the growing lump forming on my forehead. "Jesus, Adeline.. You haven't given up on that concussion have you?" The familiar voiced chuckled.

"Aha!" Adrian's voice screeched in my ear before I felt him grab me by my waist and hold me down "you though you'd get away". He didn't give me a chance to apologise to the figure and instantly I started to argue with him "I wasn't running" I state.

He snorts "then what were you doing? exercising?"

I roll my eyes and nod my head "yes actually". Adrian's eyes showed no sympathy as he held me in a headlock. "Adrian, let me explain" I plead, pretending to choke. He chuckles and tightens his grip and I curse under my breath. I wasn't expecting to get murdered by my best friend today

"ahem" a voice coughed, clearing their throat and catching our attention. Our eyes drifted towards the figure from before and I almost lost footing and took Adrian down to my grave with me. Luckily, I somehow managed to grab onto him and we were both in an awkward position. "Liam" I breathe and Adrian's arms automatically drop me. I almost fell but grabbed onto his jacket like my whole life depends on it. "Adrian, you ass!" I hiss and he quickly grabs me.

I wack him on the back of the head as I fix my posture. I quickly adjust my clothes and turn to face Liam. His face showed pure annoyance and his eyes glared at Adrian who seemed at bit nervous. It was like a boyfriend meeting the dad for the first time.

"Liam" I say "this is Adrian my-"

"youhoooooo" A familiar voice sang, cutting me off. I spin my head to see the three aliens walking towards me. Ashley, Megan and Katelyn had huge grins on their face as they spotted Liam. Here goes nothing.

"hello" Ashley greeted as she ogled Liam. I roll my eyes and nudge Liam to smile which he has been failing to do so.  Jesus, did I not clearly tell this guy to look more 19 and not 23? He still turned up in his suit. It looks new, maybe this is his way of looking 19

"Guys this is-"

I was rudely cut of by Megan holding her hand up before they all circled around Liam, scanning him from head to toe. "Armani suit" Katelyn said and I gave them an odd expressions. how the heck can they even tell? I can't tell between cheap clothes and expensive clothes. They all look the same

"business man" Ashley said, nodding in approval. "good hair" Megan spoke and it continued on "big- uh good figure" Ashley muttered, blushing deep red and I mentally slapped myself. Please pretend we didn't hear that.

"Are you all done?" Liam suddenly spoke in his husky voice, catching them off guard. They all huddled around me, all of a sudden their confidence dropped. "taking a picture is less time consuming" Liam states, as a matter of fact which, totally mirrored his cocky attitude. 

Oh God Liam, can you not be yourself for one day? 

They all giggled like children and I just rolled my eyes. "Well" Liam began "it's nice to meet you all, but I have to attend work"

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