chapter 22: where's my wife?

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*unedited so may contain grammar mistakes*

"Pst" Ava hissed, popping her head through the door "I stole some food for you"

She quietly came in with a stomach the size of melon. She pulled up her top and suddenly the food came crashing down onto the bed.

I snort and begin to stash the food under the covers to keep it safe. I handed Ava a cake bun and we both begin to stuff it in our mouth.

"Ava where's my food and why is the fridge empty?!" Kai yelled from downstairs causing Ava and I to choke on the food.

"Shit" Ava cursed "I gotta go"

I quickly nodded. "Ava, crums, crums!" I hiss.

She quickly wipes the evidence off and runs out of the room, closing the door behind her.

I snort.

It wasn't easy living at someone's house. Especially when they have no idea you're even there in the first place. Ava might have offered me a place to stay but she forgot one crucial point: it's not hers.

I'm not planning for Kai to find out anytime soon. Ava and I are already homeless and we can't afford to be kicked in the street.

But I've stayed here for long enough maybe I should leave- uh no. Where else am I going to find a mansion and not pay for it? Besides I'm not ready to face Liam, not yet.

I sighed, rolling around the bed out of boredom. I had nothing to entertain me, including my phone. I had to turn it off just in case Liam was those type of weirdos who track your location.  I couldn't risk him finding me.

I decided to sneak out of Ava's room and slowly go down a few steps while I listen to Ava and Kai argue. It was more fun.

"Are you eating for two?" Kai asks and I practically spit out non-existent water out of my mouth and hold back my laugh.

"Yes" Ava replied casually "one for me and one for my baby. Meet fries"

I was already slamming my fist against the ground, trying to stop myself from accidental wee.

Kai didn't respond back so I'm assuming his lost for words.

I decide to walk down a bit more, just enough to see both of them. Ava caught my eye as I grinned at her whilst she looked like she saw a ghost.

"And who were you laughing with these days?" Kai asked.

She smiled. "Oh you know, just calling some ghosts friends over for a casual meeting"

I was seconds away from bursting out so I ran upstairs and slammed the door closed.

Oh crap

"My ghost friends are here. bye!" I heard Ava say before I could hear her run upstairs.

"Ghost friends?" I laugh as Ava bursts in, closing the door behind her.

She laughed and fell onto the bed next to me.

"I'm very social" she joked and I laugh.

We continued to mess around for a while until Ava finally had to leave for work. I almost cried when I saw her walk out through the gates. It was like a scene from Romeo and Juliet but more of Avaeo and Adeliet. Forbidden love.

I should really stop.

I suddenly felt thirsty. Ava had forgotten that I need water, not just all the food from Kai's fridge.

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