chapter 12: I'm done

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*unedited so it contains lots of grammar mistakes*

"Adeline" he called, licking his dry lips as nerves took over him. His eyes met mine and I looked down at him as he bent to the ground on one knee "Will you..will you marry me?"

I stared at Adrian with a blank expression as he erupted into a fit of laughter.

"Shut up" I snarl at him, rolling my eyes as he imitated Liam's proposal "you're so embarrassing"

People at the Cafe began to notice and  I shooed Adrian to get up.

"Lighten up" he chirped "do you know who you're engaged to?"

An arrogant jerk who forgets about his fiancée for over a week and only looks for her when his in trouble that's who.

It's been a week after that incident I had with Chris. My mind hasn't been at peace and I couldn't even tell Liam. I tried to justify his revelation although I knew there was no use and Chris knew everything.

The worst part? He tried to blackmail me with the stupid thing

I sighed and a groan escaped my lips out of frustration. Liam hasn't bothered to contact me since Julie left.

"What's wrong?" Adrian asked, concern flashed in his eyes for a brief moment. 

"Its Liam" I blurt "he hasn't contacted me in a week"

Of course Adrian still has no idea about the whole fake engagement thing but I just couldn't hide certain things from him. After all his all I've got

Adrian thought for a moment before he spoke again "I haven't seen him at work either"

I frowned and groaned even more.  What the hell could be more important than me- his fiancée?! I don't know why I'm being so worked up over this.

"Maybe he's with a girl" Adrian teased and I slapped his arm.

"Not funny Adri" I mumble and he pouts at me as he rubs his bruise.

"I'm kidding" he says "no one would cheat on'd chase them with a knife"

He mumbled the last words discreetly but I still heard him. A smirk appeared on my lips "true"

He snorted and rubbed my hair, ruining it all and I slap his hand. "My hair Adri! My hair!"

He just laughs and leans forward on the counter as we patiently wait for more customers to come in. Soon the time past and it's been an hour. Almost everyone left and  I was beginning to get tired and it was only 6pm.

The door bell suddenly rang and a tiny part of me hoped it was Liam. I spun my head towards the door and-

"Adeline!" Jacob chirped "is it really you?"

He scanned me carefully and I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness "it's me" I smile.

"I haven't seen you for a while" he said with a hint of disappointed in his voice. I felt a grin forcing it's way and I hid the fact that I was so full of myself right now.

Jacob Trayson actually missed me?- OK that wasn't his exact words but that's what he means right? I've had a crush on this guy since forever and I can't believe he actually noticed that I was missing

"It's really good to see you" he breathed, nudging his glasses up as he smiled down at me.

Holy potato why was the whole glasses thing so cute?

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