10. I'm glad he died.

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"Tell us exactly what happened" says one of the police inspectors as I sat in a room with three police officers.
"Nothing happened, it was just an accident" I say crying.
"Ahh, we're trying to help you here, before his parents arrive, his father is a senator, they're likely to win this case, and your parents are on their way too, this is your last chance to tell us the truth, how did Anwar die?" The inspector says. Should I risk Zainab's reputation to save myself? Should I get convicted in order to save Zainab's reputation?
" we got into a fight, and he dragged me to the balcony, but he slipped and fell down" I say without giving anything away.
"How are we sure you didn't push him down? Why should people out there believe you?" He asks again. I open my mouth to answer. And someone flings the door open loudly and abruptly. Before I can see who it is, I find myself being strangled and pinned down on the ground.
"I'm going to kill you I swear to God" it's Anwar's mother. She knocked me off my chair and she's choking me with all the strength she can muster. " how dare you come to my house and pretend everything was okay when you killed my son , your mother must feel what I'm feeling right now. " she yells through gritted teeth with so much intensity and fire in her eyes. I start losing my breath. Tears stream down the side of my face. Heat overtakes my body. My neck is about to snap. My lungs tighten. She has a tight grip on me and the police in the room are doing all they can to get her off me. They finally succeed.
They get her out of the room. I'm on the floor trying to catch my breath. I gasp heavily. My eyes hurt and they are probably red. The door opens again. My mother stands by the door. She looks angry. She has this look in her eyes that screams danger. I crawl up to a sitting position while panting intensely. . Before I could get up further, she slaps me hard across the face.
"Do you want to kill me, how dare you" she screams. I hold my hand to my face. All I can do is cry. Not from the pain of the slap. But the pain she's going through because of me.
"I wish you'd just die, just die and I'll rest" she says with a broken voice.
"Mama" I utter weakly.
"Don't call me, I don't think I'm your mother anymore, after everything you've done to me, all the trouble you've caused, you go and kill somebody? I'm appalled. I'm done" she yells. Anwar's mom is by the door watching ahead. All eyes were on my mom and I.
"But you don't know what happened " I try to defend myself.
" you were with him at the place he died, when he died, what more explanation could I want. You were at a hotel , dressed like a prostitute, maybe you are one because no person with a right mind would leave their home dressed like that, but I'm done, you won't kill me, they can do whatever they want with you" she yells and turns to leave.
"Well fuck all of you" I yell out of frustration . My mother stops in her tracks and turns to face me. The silence in the room is so deafening that you can hear a pin drop.
" And you" I say while pointing to Anwar's mom" your son is a monster, I can't believe you'll come here to defend him and blame me for his death, he is a rapist, he attacked my friend Zainab, with two of his friends, three boys sexually assaulting a single girl........and what's worse, he was her boyfriend, who she loved and thought he loved her back, but he didn't, no one could do anything, the poor girl just suffers in silence, in private .......I took it upon myself to get revenge , to get naked pictures of him, but he was stronger than me and he tried to kill me, but Allah does not sleep, so Anwar slipped and fell off that balcony, naked I might add " I stop to let out a hysterical laugh. " and he broke his bones and smashed his skull , how I wish I could saw that properly face to face, i wish I wasn't scared at the time, I would have looked at him and felt happy, that this monster finally got what he deserved. " I stop to take a deep breath. I continue. "So yes, he died but I didn't kill him. You can kill me for killing him if you want. Do so. I don't care. I stand by my actions. And I'm innocent. And there are two other rapists out there, who you can question and arrest or you let them go free because you don't believe me. It's all up to you. But death isn't the end let me tell you. Your son will suffer in hell for being a monster. And if I'm killed. Allah is with me. Because you'll be killing an innocent soul. And mum. "I stare into my mother's eyes. " I'm sorry, I'm sorry I love my friend, I'm sorry I'm a human being who fights for the rights of others. I know I've never been the daughter you wished for. It's fine. I hope you get that daughter someday. I hope you do. " I finish my rant. Tears and snot have streamed down my face but I didn't care. I said what I said. There's no changing it. Jaws are wide agape. No one knows what to say. They are all surprised. And full of shock.
"What did you say my son did?" Anwar's mother says slowly, trying to process what I said.
"You heard what I said, so suck it in, if you want to believe it fine, if not , that's your personal problem. " I say cockily.
"Miss Safina, we want to question you further, and we want you to repeat exactly what you said on tape" says the inspector.
"Gladly" I say with a raise of an eyebrow.
"No" my mother interjects. She comes close to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder.
"She'll only speak after she gets a lawyer, for now I want to know if bail is available. I want to take my daughter home." She says. My heart bursts out of happiness. Here's my mother defending me after all she said a few minutes ago. Alhamdulillah. With my mother by my side, I feel like there's nothing I can't do.
She turns to Anwar's mother and says" Oh, and you, see you in court".

AN: hey guys🙋🏼🙋🏼 so this chapter is up quickly after the last one. This one is a bit shorter but I just felt motivated to give my readers more. I love you so much. I have like 20 readers who keep coming back and I love you all so much. The ones that vote. Keep it up. You inspire me. And you can always comment on what you want to see. Or what you think. So how did you guys like this chapter? Did Safina do the right thing by telling the truth or could she have done things differently ? Do you think she'll win in court? How do you think Zainab's reputation might be damaged. Sound off in the comments. And if you liked this chapter, you are free to vote. Love you loads😘😘❤. Shout out to ummikay for the weekly votes. And khadija_anysha . Thank you. And I will thank many others on the next chapter In Sha Allah. I can't remember some of the names now but thank you all❤❤❤.

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