chapter 13

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Usagi' s pov

I should probably get back before my dad gets suspicious, wouldn't want him finding out about what I just did

On the way back to his seat :

"Are you okay now usagi-sama?"

"Huh? Oh I'm fine now misaki"

"I'm glad , bye then"


I quickly returned to my seat were my dad was waiting :

"What took you so long ? "

I ended up lying :

"There was a long line"

"Okay then , who were you talking to over there ?"

"Huh? Over there? Oh nobody in particular just someone I know"

"Really?  Who?"


"What the hell is he doing here ? I thought I told him to no longer see you ,......shit ignore what I said"

"I knew it was you , misaki would never want to brake up with someone unless someone convinced him"

"He wasn't right for you akihiko"

"Who are you to tell me who is right for me , it's my own decision"

"I'm your father and I should have some opinion of your relationship"

"Just leave me alone , it's your fault that I can't talk to misaki without fucking up so just leave me alone"

"Okay then"

The rest of the plane ride was quiet usagi occasionally took a quick glance at misaki to see how he was doing but one time while doing so misaki looked back and things got even more awkward when injuin started sending death threats to usagi ( obviously not while misaki was looking)

A couple of hours later the plane ride had come to an end and they where in America :

Misaki' s and injuin' s pov :

" come on misaki , hurry up I wanna go to our hotel and unpack"

"Okay okay I'm coming"

Injuin got a taxi there on the way there though injuin kept on asking misaki to promise as hard as he could that he would try not to talk with usagi

"Do you promise? "

"I promise injuin-san but why are you asking me? "

"Isn't it obvious it's because I love you and I want to protect you from that selfish person"

"Okay then I understand , I love you too"

They kissed a lot more passionate than last time , barely leaving time for any breaths


And then they reached their destination

"We'll carry on when we get upstairs okay misaki?"


Usagi' s pov:

I was still mad at my father so I refused to talk to him on the way to the hotel and he did the same , the hotel we were going to stay at was called Hilton Square .

We finally arrived at the hotel :

"Thank you for the ride , here's the money"

The taxi driver took the money said thank you and drove away

"A.akihiko I'm sorry"

"Just save it"

"I have to leave for a meeting so you'll be alone in there by the way"

"I don't mind I'm already used to being alone all my life"

"I'm sorry"


"Okay I'm going"

I signed the both of us in and told them that my father had to go to a meeting, I then headed upstairs

I then lay down on the bed and began to think about misaki

And then I began to have a terrible nightmare were injuin took misaki right in front of me (referring to sex) and then misaki kissed him and glared at me and then said

"It's not like I ever loved you in the first place you were the one who forced me into that relationship"

The words I never wanted to hear

Soon after that I woke up screaming and found that it was all just a nightmare and that I still have a chance to win misaki back

I sighed with relief

Misaki' s and injuin's pov:

"It's beautiful up here"

"Not as beautiful as you"

*misaki blushing*

"Thank you"

"Should we carry on from where we left off"

"S.sure "

They began kissing and slowly their kissing became more and more passionate


"Okay then misaki"

After a while of kissing they broke apart

"Misaki,  I want to do it with you , is that okay? "


"Okay then"

Smut warning:

I slowly started unbuttoning misaki' s t-shirt ,which earned him a deep blush from misaki ,he then slowly began unbuttoning his own t-shirt then he slowly began to unzip misaki's pants and pull his boxers down which earned him an even darker blush he then pulled his pants off quickly

I then added lubre to his hands and put one finger inside of misaki


I then added in another finger and then another until he finally thought it was now the right size and pulled his fingers out

"Misaki I'm gonna put it in "


I slowly put it in waiting for misaki to adjust and began to thrust



We both reached our climax

Usagi's pov:

I slowly woke up I could hear a noise coming from the room next to me I went to investigate but I didn't expect to see what I had seen

I could see that bastard injuin thrusting into misaki and misaki from what It looked like enjoying it

I could feel fear crawl into my brain and tears run down my face again

I couldn't believe that they did it (referring to sex)

I quickly ran back to my room and went into the shower and washed away my tears, I just couldn't believe what I just saw I couldn't believe that misaki was enjoying it  , after a while I finished my shower and lay back down on my bed and tried to go back to sleep but all I could think of was misaki's face just now
I hope there's still time to make him love me again

This is all I can write for now I'll write some more tomorrow so bye ^_^

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