chapter 20

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Mizuki' s pov :

I woke up to a adorable misaki laying next to me

"Morning misaki"


"And just when I thought we were getting along"

"Let me Go, I wanna go see usagi!!!"

"Do what you want, I've already had my fun"


Misaki left

"Why did I let him leave?"

Deep down mizuki knew that misaki would never truly be his because misaki loved akihiko too much

Misaki' s pov :

I quickly ran down the street , wondering how usagi was
Wanting to hold him
Wanting to kiss him
Wanting to embrace him
I wanted to do all of them

Finally I reached the house and knocked on the door
A teary eyed usagi answered the door


"I'm back, don't worry"

"I'm so glad you're safe"

Misaki kissed usagi deeply

"I've missed you usagi"

Usagi picked misaki up bridal style and carried him upstairs
This was the first time misaki actually let usagi carry him like that

Usagi gently layed misaki on the bed and started unbuttoning misaki's shirt but he was surprised to see  what he saw

There were hickeys everywhere , on every single part of his body

"Misaki are you okay? "

"It kinda hurts a bit in other places"

"Tch, that bastard"

"Umm usagi, he did it last night, I'm so sorry I tried to fight him off but he was too strong"

"Don't worry it's not your fault that you weren't strong enough, I should've been able to protect you"

Misaki kissed usagi again

"I love you and that's all that matters"

"I love you too misaki"

The two embraced each other all night

The next day

Misaki's pov :

I woke up relaxed because I was finally back home with usagi
Even if it was just one night
I missed being with him
Kissing him
Hugging him
The occasional fighting
I missed it all in that one night

"Morning usagi"

Misaki kissed usagi's forehead

"Ngh...morning misaki

That's all I can write for now because of my geography test tomorrow I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you carry on reading
So bye ^_^

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