Chapter 8. Roses.

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Your POV (In Dream)

I woke up in a dark room.
I didn't know where I was, my head hurt and the air was hot all around me.
"Well hello there Y/N." A deep voice said.
"W-Who's there?" I asked looking around trying to see through the darkness, squinting my eyes.
The voice only laughed as a light shown through the room, reviewing the horrific scene on the ceiling.
All of the pastas were in cages, dangling from the ceiling, all of them groaning in pain.
Their faces and bodies were marked with bruises and cuts.
I stood up and backed away, my eyes fixed on the horror in front of me.
"Y/N...." Their voices cried out for me and their heads turned to me.
Tears formed in my eyes.
"Who did this?" I asked quietly, my teeth gritted as I looked around.
"I did." The deep voice replied.
The room went black again and silent.
But then a figure came walking out towards me.
A tall red and black figure with 4 arms, seven mouths, and devil horns appeared from the darkness.
His red eyes pierced me as he laughed.
"Zalgo." I mumbled as my legs suddenly gave out and I collapsed onto the floor, passing out.

(End of dream)

"Zalgo!" I screamed, sitting up fast from my bed.
My heart was racing fast as I looked around my room.
I slowly breathed in and out as I wiped my forehead.
"It was j-just a nightmare." I said as put my hand over my racing heart.
Then I heard a slight chuckle in my mind, but it sounded in my room, which caused me too freeze.
My hand reached underneath my pillow and grabbed my knife, my eyes averted around the room but there was nothing but darkness.
"Y/N? Are you ok?" I heard someone's voice as they knocked on the door.
I practically jumped out of bed as I rushed to the door.
Holding onto my knife I slowly opened the door to reveal Offenderman.
"Hey, you ok?" He asked with a worried tone.
"Yeah, I uh, just had a nightmare." I replied looking away.
"Sure doesn't seem like it was any ordinary nightmare. You screamed out Zalgo's name." He replied still looking at me.
Before I knew it I ran into Offendermans arms, clinging to him, the nightmare burned into my brain.
"Hey, it's ok." He said, patting my back gently.
I closed my eyes, it probably
wasn't a good idea to be this close to Offenderman with no one around, but it was better than body at the moment.
I then opened my eyes, and saw we weren't in the mansion anymore.
We were in a field, a field of roses.
Yellow, Red, Black, white, any color rose you could imagine surrounded us in a small field.
There was a narrow dirt path leading to a willow tree on a small hill, and sunshine filling the sky.
"This is my garden." Offenderman stated as he picked a F/C rose.
"It's so peaceful." I said looking around.
"Yeah, I come here whenever I wanna have some quiet time." He replied handing me the rose.
I hesitated as I reached my hand out to take it.
Offenderman chuckled, grinning as he usually did, "Don't worry, these are
just normal ones."
My face felt warm as I took the rose in my hand.
I rubbed my eyes and started yawning, I was still tired.
Offenderman chuckled as he picked me up with his arms and carried me towards the tree.
I looked around as he did so, wondering where the garden could even be.
He sat down in a criss-cross position and held me in his arms.
My eyes started to close as I held both the rose and my pocket knife in my hands.
Resting my head on Offendermans chest, I listened to his heartbeat before I slowly started dozing off.
I could feel Offenderman staring down at me, he softly hummed as he stroked my hair.

[Edited, June 15th, 2019]

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